10,000-year prints, vintage rides, & more

0 thoughts on “10,000-year prints, vintage rides, & more

  1. Ah, the old archival print debate. There is only one problem in carbon transfer, the carbon print is absolutely archival, but the paper it’s printed on is not. The project describes experiments to create a special archival paper that will last 10,000 years. It doesn’t exist. It never will. There is no experiment to be done, it’s impossible.
    I will quote my instructor, back when I was taking a full-semester course in archival photographic techniques, “Photography is only 150 years old [well, it was back then when I took the course] so all we know is that some photographs can last 150 years.”
    At least I can credit Burtynsky for understanding that inkjet prints are not archival. There is no current inkjet technology that can produce a print that would be considered archival in the sense photographers and art curators have used that term for decades. There is no way to adapt any current inkjet technology to make archival prints. As an active practitioner of truly archival photographic printing methods, it is my greatest fear that the current generation of photographers is producing artworks that will rapidly fade to blank sheets of paper. Meanwhile, I have watched the value of my work plummet when inkjet prints are sold as archival, and can be produced for a fraction of the cost (and effort) of my archival prints. Fake archival prints are destroying the value of real archival prints.

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