"Peety Weety"
Greetings from a very, very dark room where the Finnfatha is dozing while Margot catches a late-evening shower. We've had a nice week with the Liggetts in town, helping enormously as I've made the transition back to working full time. I should have a few more pics to share soon, but this whole making-a-living thing kind of cramps my photographic & blogging style. ;-)
Before my folks headed back to Illinois, my dad reminded me of some silliness I hadn't heard in years. Instead of the traditional "This little piggy..." routine, his aunt used to get after his feet with a different approach. She'd start with the baby toe, calling them out by name & building up the drama:
"Peety Weety...
Polly Lutey...
Lady Thistle...
Lotty Thostle...
And a Great Big Domendite!!"
Heh heh--nice n' bizarre, eh? :-)
In any case, we had fun today "Documenting the Domendites" via a little kit given to us by Margot's friend Janine.