The cast of the next Star Trek franchise
John and I love nickhames. For each other, for our friends, family members, for inanimate objects, you name it. We have already come up with a slew of them for Finn, but the one I find myself using most of the time is Captain Squirrelulon. I think it sounds like a character from one of the Star Trek shows..."This is Captain Squirrelulon of the Starship Enterprise." [The "Rank + '-ulon' suffix" thing goes back to our love of the name "Gen. Zebulon Pike." --J.]
In addition to Captain S, there are several other potential Star Trek characters inhabiting the NPR airwaves. (I have been listening to a TON of NPR as I sit in the nursery while Finn chows down.) I don't know where they find their reporters, but they have some of the MOST interesting names you've ever heard. It's fun to imagine them in their Star Trek uniforms milling about midships or crawling through Jeffries Tubes...Here are some of my favorites:
- Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson (sounds like some sort of intrepid Old World explorer who might get passage on the Beagle)
- Robin Gianattassio-Malle
- Ofeibea Quist-Arcton
- Kai Risdahl
- Cy Musicker (who actually does music reviews on Friday afternoons!)