Home is where the heart is--for real
"Home is where the heart is." It's a cliche so familiar that I've never given it much thought. With Finn here, though, I get it. In fact, about a month before he arrived, I realized that I was no longer doing my usual whiny song-and-dance about the lameness of San Jose. I mean, sure, it's not Manhattan or Brooklyn or Seattle, or even Boulder or Boston, but at this point who really cares? As long as our little crew is close by, everything else kind of fades into the background. :-)
I'll tell you one other thing: I'm coming to understand the importance of savoring every little moment of goodness. With his throat-burning spit-ups over the last week, Finn has kind of put us through the wringer. Tonight, though, he's been a happy, alert little bambino, enjoying (well, at least not shrieking through) his first in-tub bath. I can't tell you how much I enjoy watching him with Margot, listening to her sing to him just now from the other room. Pics to follow shortly.