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Finn's New Friends

This weekend, Finn made some new friends. John's friend Abbas, from Adobe in Toronto, is in town with his wife Kaniz and their super-adorable daughter Samarah. Samarah was born 20 days after the Finnfatha, and Abbas is an avid blogger, so while Finn and I have seen Samarah and her parents in many pictures online, we hadn't met them in the flesh! It was so fun for both families to meet--it was like a mutual admiration society of cute kids and their obsessive parental photo bloggers.

As you'll see in the accompanying gallery (HTML), everyone was feeling a little feisty after lunch! Samarah makes the same "baby monster" growls that Finn does; they just come out a little cuter and pinker :). She also enjoys chomping on Abbas's nose when it's nearby. Abbas and Finn were also cracking each other up. Between the two of them it was a dimple jamboree!


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Hey guys.. thanks again for hosting us last weekend. So good to meet Finn (& The Notorious M.O.M.) in person! Looking forward to the next play-date between the Finfatha and Samarah!

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