Let Me Stand Next To Your Squire
Loving wordplay as I do, I sometimes (okay, often) morph Finn's nickname "squirrel" into "squire," making him our little Squire. The other day I decided to learn what, exactly, a squire is and does (or did). According to Wikipedia, "The typical duties of a squire [i.e. things Dad will now expect of Finn] included:
- Carrying the knight's dad's armor, shield, and sword,
- Holding any prisoners the knight dad takes,
- Rescuing the knight dad should the knight dad be taken prisoner,
- Taking the knight dad to safety should the knight dad be injured,
- Replacing the knight's dad's sword if it broke or was dropped,
- Replacing the knight's dad's horse with a new horse or the squire's should the horse be injured or killed,
- Dressing the knight dad in his armor,
- Carrying the knight's dad's flag,
- And protecting the knight dad if needed."
If you get a squire, you'll put half of the folks at the 'dobe out of a job. Have mercy!
Posted by: Maria-upon-Hallmark | November 1, 2008 08:26 PM