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Puppy Book

Finn is starting to turn a fun corner & is seeing little inanimate objects as creatures. Whether we're walking little Fisher Price characters into the awesome new bus from our friends Matthew & Lori, playing with Jacques the Monkey (with apologies to Peter Gabriel), or checking out lots of other characters, you can see Finno's little imagination starting to fire up.

On Sunday we took him to the mall (hey, it's San Jose--not many alternatives), and he took a *huge* shine to a little board book that features a built-in finger puppet. Each page has a hole in it where the puppy can come out and do some antics. Finn is just fascinated, and he keeps flipping the book over, trying to figure out the connection between finger & puppy. (His little paw is just too small to work the controls. :-))

Here's a video of the small guy enjoying a Mom-powered puppy show:


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supreme cuteness.

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