“A stunning 90-minute documentary visualizing key events from World War II from the vantage point of space,” World War II From Space just won an Emmy for Outstanding Graphic Design and Art Direction. Featuring 300 animations and 79 VFX shots, it made heavy use of an Adobe workflow (script writing in Adobe Story, 3D integration with After Effects & Cinema 4D, editing in Premiere Pro). Check out an in-depth interview on how the team made it happen.
I can’t wait for the sequel, World War II In Space. [Vimeo]
For space nazis you gotta see ‘Iron Sky’ – the best/worst movie of 2012.
[Yes, that was Google’s first result when I searched for “Space Nazis.” 🙂 –J.]
Magnifique et spectaculaire infographie !
Thanks for sharing.
Now, I’m going to watch it again 🙂