Man, I can’t keep up with this stuff—and that’s a great problem to have. Here are some interesting finds from just the last few days:
- Custom SD models are coming to Photoshop via Christian Cantrell’s plugin panel.
- Christian has trained a model on Rivians & says (ambitiously, but not without some justification) that “This is how all advertising and marketing collateral will be made sooner than most of the world realizes.”
- On a related note, here’s a thread (from an engineer at Shopify) on fine-tuning models to generate images of specific products (showing strengths/limitations).
- I see numerous custom models emerging that enable creation of art in the style of Spider-Man, Pixar, and more.
- Stability has rolled out new fine-tuned decoders. (See thread for what that means.)
- Here’s another multiplayer SD-powered creation experience.
- VR: Sketch Diffusion runs live in Gravity Sketch on Quest Pro headsets.
- Enabling text-based image editing via SD.
- Astria is another site promising custom image generation via uploaded pics.