I’m delighted to announced that Adobe Configurator 2.0–now supporting both Photoshop CS5 and InDesign CS5–is available for download from Adobe Labs.
I characterize Configurator as a “bag of Legos,” letting you remix any/all of the tools & menu items in each application. The idea is to simplify the app interface by making it present “everything you want, nothing you don’t”–and to do it in a democratic, community-driven way.
Highlights in Configurator 2.0:
- Support for HTML content (thanks to WebKit being embedded in CS5) that can drive the host app (running menu items, actions, and scripts, and switching tools). If you can create simple Web pages, you can create interactive CS5 tutorials.
- Support for containers (groups switched via tabs or menus, and accordions)
- Improved layout controls
- Support for popup windows. These can contain HTML, video, and/or other panels.
- Localization support (e.g. create a panel in English & have it auto-switch to translated text strings, changing button sizes as needed)
- Numerous “JDI”-style enhancements (e.g. being able to hide the script/action icon on buttons)
I’ll try to put together a nice, polished little demo soon. In the meantime, if you’re willing to suffer through my scintillating, “wizard of aahs” public speaking style, you can check out this demo I did for developers last month. (Skip right past the first 5:40 or so.)
I’m adding some fairly detailed notes & tips in this post’s extended entry. For that info, read on.
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