6 thoughts on “"We think it's the best plug-in ever made for Illustrator"

  1. I think you mean “Brave talk, BUT given”, not “BUG given”
    [Well, they *did* have some recent troubles on Mavericks, but those seem to have been fixed. 🙂 Thanks; typo eliminated. –J.]

  2. I just don’t get why stuff like this has never been integrated into AI to begin with? Even PowerPoint has simple rounded rectangle editing…
    [I know, I know… Don’t think I don’t rant a lot behind closed doors. As I’m fond of saying, “I swear because I care.” –J.]

  3. All the other Astute plugins for Illustrator are of comparable coolness. They’ve done an amazing job coming up with great ideas, solid implementations, and thorough integration into Illy itself. I use all of them, and give each one an A+. If nothing else, check out the feature-by-feature instructional videos. They’re fascinating and crystal clear.

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