Network Publishing, Flickr-style

John Watson has crafted a very cool magazine cover generator that combines photos from Flickr with text you enter. Give it a spin, or check out some examples. [Link via MAKE Magazine]
I have a special affinitiy for this kind of thing. I managed to talk my way into AGENCY.COM as a designer, but having no formal training, I often found myself slinging GIFs in menial graphics production. Having determined that creating the same graphical text 200 times in a row does, indeed, kind of suck, I built a graphics engine using Macromedia Generator. It let teammates or even clients themselves enter text into an HTML form, then get back a GIF. Upshot: Let the creative folks spend their time creating, instead of being a bottleneck for production. That’s the idea behind the new Variables feature in Photoshop CS2, as well as Adobe Graphics Server and Adobe InDesign Server.

0 thoughts on “Network Publishing, Flickr-style

  1. yup ,thats cool, Ive used Graphics Server to automate the creation of gif headers and navigation tabs, rollovers included for one of the workds largest brands EMEA websites. Ive also used variable replacement a lot, passing to clients droplets made in ImageReady that you CSV files to automate the creation of headers and button used including rollover states. A huge timesaver and a smiling client 🙂

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