Infrared hoops; NYC in HDR

  • Sports Shooter discusses photographer Tom Dahlin’s use of a modified Canon D60 to capture basketball shots in infrared. More images are in the gallery. [Via] Funny–these images kind of remind me of the cut scenes from 1987’s Double Dribble.
  • Photoshop diva Katrin Eismann has posted some of the work she and her SVA students did last semester, using HDR to capture New York. She writes,

    My panos were all shot in the middle of a very, very bright day in Manhattan. What I find interesting about HDR is it has extended the time of day that I can shoot and still get interesting results. Normally, a photographer would not seek out the brightest most contrasty locations possible, as I did when I went to Lincoln Center and Columbus Circle in the middle of the day. HDR lets me see into the shadows and show the highlights while producing incredibly rich files. The so-called limitation that the subject should not be moving is a plus for me. New Yorkers are always moving, coming and going and the transparency of the people underscores this energy.

    The small Web gallery can’t quite do justice to the originals, as several were printed out approximately 5′ wide using an Epson 2400 with roll paper.

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