Photoshop CS3: 100,000 downloads & counting

[Cue the Dire Straits: "I waant… my… Cee… Ess… Three…"]

Wow… We figured people would be interested in the Photoshop CS3 beta, but the response has been overwhelming: well over 100,000 downloads in the first 72 hours.  (And that’s just from Adobe Labs, not sites like that are hosting the bits.)  Amazing!  Thanks to everyone who’s been participating.  As always, you can download the software here, get a beta serial number here [Update: fixed link], and discuss the beta here.

In honor of the occasion–and really, what else could one do?–I felt compelled to create & throw up an Adobe gang sign. Word. πŸ™‚

[Update: As of Thursday afternoon (roughly six days into the beta), the number was somewhere north of 180,000 downloads. And that’s unique Adobe IDs, which should map pretty closely to individual customers. Wild!]

0 thoughts on “Photoshop CS3: 100,000 downloads & counting

  1. But, the problem with the Adobe server refusing legal CS2 serial numbers continues and you ignore it, Why?
    [When it comes to things being ignored, in my experience (and I’m getting a lot of it) it’s usually the instructions. But as I keep saying, we’re working on it, and more info will be forthcoming. –J.]

  2. 100,000 downloads is awesome, but how many people are like me and have downloaded but can’t install due to serial number issues? Can you tell me anything about this issue? Adobe has not said a word about it.
    [Actually I have, several times, right here. I’ll have more info to share later today. At this point the vast majority of what I’m seeing is either user error, licensing restrictions, or requests to switch platform (Win to Mac). As I say, more info to follow. –J.]

  3. John you should paint your fingers red πŸ™‚
    [Heh heh–that’s what we’ve got Photoshop for. πŸ˜‰ –J.]
    Great job on getting this available – thanks.
    [It’s our pleasure. It was many months of non-stop work (doesn’t seem like it should be, I know, but there are so many details to attend to), and it was hard to bite my tongue all fall as people would ask about our Mactel plans. Anyway, it’s all worth it. –J.]

  4. Windows download is 340 megabytes, Mac is 685 MB (that’s a lot to code ;-)… 100,000 downloads… that’s about 50 terabytes of data in three days, depending on the platform mix.
    That’s nearly 1 LOC per day….
    [Cool! It kind of trips me out that other sites want to mirror the download and let their servers melt under the load–but hey, more power to ’em. It would also be interesting to see how much bandwidth went to downloading all the videos posted by NAPP,, and many others. –J.]

  5. I think the biggest reason for the high number of downloads is the slow loading time in CS2. I went back to CS for that reason and will try CS3 for the reported speed improvements alone.

  6. Well, John…It’s December 20th already. This is the shortest day of the year, and I have spent all of it trying to find out why my CS2 serial number is invalid. I applaud all the Adobe people for being so responsive, but “We’re working on it!” just isn’t enough. I appreciate having the opportunity to Beta test this product, but when it interferes with production work on the table, “We’re working on it!” just doesn’t hack it. Please excuse the pun.
    [John, I’ll drop you a line. –J.]

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