Time for another typographic gathering:
- The NYT includes a really interesting piece about the development of Clearview, a new typeface for road signs. Typographica.org has a bit more. (Tangentially related at best, but fun: Something Awful features a Photoshop contest for creating offbeat road signs. Viva the Invincible Moose! [Via])
- Adobe has announced Font Folio 11, offering more than 2,300 fonts from the Adobe Type Library in OpenType format, includes 176 new fonts. Here’s more info.
- CreativePro.com’s got tips on importing text into various Adobe apps.
- The past:
- Sam Potts points out cool antique trunk labels. [Via]
- Jon Hicks notes a vintage Typography photo set on Flickr.[Via]
- John Downer, creator of the great Brothers typeface, has produced the similarly sturdy Iowan.
- The future:
- Wired’s Geekdad section talks about how to help kids make their own fonts.
- The subtly curvaceous Subtil has won the Type Directors Club 2007 competition. [Via]
- Comic Sans is not your friend; thus spake John Stossel on graphic design [Via Anne-Marie Concepcion]
- The quick:
- Dave Shea has gathered nice examples of type in motion. Dig the Ocean’s 11 one in particular. [Via]
- The dead:
- Skull-a-day blog has posted a groovy (and not so hellish) free skull font. [Via]