Adobe has posted release candidate (i.e. feature-complete beta) of the Adobe DNG Codec for Microsoft Vista. This free download enables Vista users to view DNG files in the Windows Explorer and Photo Gallery.
The posting coincides with the DNG Specification being updated to version 1.2. Tom Hogarty writes,
This update addresses several industry requirements for the DNG format including the formalization of the concept of a "camera profile" and a metadata tag to validate your image data. The definition of a camera profile for the DNG format as well as the allowance for multiple camera profiles to be embedded in a single DNG file will provide the industry with the ability to characterize raw data in an efficient and standardized format. (Think ICC profiles, but for raw data.)
Check out the rest of Tom’s post for more details on the changes. Developers can grab the updated DNG SDK here.
John – any ETA on a Vista 64 codec? This version won’t install under 64.
What a surprise
“(This codec is not compatible with the Windows Vista 64-bit platform) ”
Man, the two largest software manufactures that I use, Microsoft and Adobe, both fail to meet my digital photography needs by failing to support 64bit consistantly. It is sure nice to have some extra ram (4-6Gigs in my case) that can only be utilized in 64bit. I wish bankruptcy on those companies who fail to support 64bit.
This shouldn’t even be released until Windows Vista x64 and x86 are supported.
Brandon – It’s a beta release – it shouldn’t be surprising that the 64bit version isn’t available yet.
Adobe already has LR 2.0 beta for 64 bit and CS4 for Vista 64 has been announced. In what way is Adobe not supporting 64bit?
It’s clearly in their roadmap and it’s clear they’re one of the leaders.
So what I’d REALLY like to see is a Vista codec for AI, EPS, INDD and PSD files so we can so THOSE in explorer as well.
John — please beg the powers at be for this! I hate having to go into Bridge to see all these thumbs!
How will the updated specifications for DNG work with the Conversion to DNG in Lightroom? Will there be an upgrade release for Lightroom 1.4.1 or do we need to wait for Lightroom 2.0 before we see support for DNG 1.2?
[Tom says, “Support for the new features of the DNG spec will be addedin future versions of Lightroom. The DNG files converted using Lightroom 1.x will be perfectly valid going forward.” He confirms that older software (e.g. ACR 2.0) will be able to keep reading DNGs made according to the new spec, just without taking advantage of the new capabilities. –J.]
Phil, I do appreciate 64bit LR 2.0, I use the beta, prefer it to the 1.0 release, even on 32bit it seems faster. I also appreciate 64bit CS4…
Having said that Adobe should support 64bit in all their products, and a Codec is pretty integral. 64bit photoshop will probably be rough I’m guessing, a lot of plugins I use will probably not be updated to 64bit….
If adobe is trying to make a universal standard, DNG, it should be universal, and work on 64bit Vista, even in the betas, it is integral. How am I supposed to provide feedback, I like to provide my input.
I appreciate the 64bit roadmap, but something universal should be universally supported at all stages.
It’s a beta release – it shouldn’t be surprising that the 64bit version isn’t available yet.
Adobe already has LR 2.0 beta for 64 bit and CS4 for Vista 64 has been announced. In what way is Adobe not supporting 64bit?
It’s clearly in their roadmap and it’s clear they’re one of the leaders.