I’m more than a little snowed under right now with preparations for next week’s announcement, but I wanted to share a few interesting finds:
- Photographers are always asking for better ways to prevent misuse of their works, and TinEye promises to help by using image-recognition techniques to find images in the wild. Ars Technica’s got details.
- I’m delighted to see that Cooliris, the very cool browser technology formerly known as PicLens (see previous raving), is available once again for Safari. I’d forgotten how much I missed it until it returned recently. The developers are also offering an embeddable Flash-powered version for use on your own sites.
- 3D technology is getting waaay too realistic these days. [Via Daniel Presedo & Zorana Gee] Tangentially related?: Disney Lab Unveils Its Latest Line Of Genetically Engineered Child Stars.
In case anyone is interested: The guys at fxguide.com have an entire episode of their free video podcast devoted to that Emily project including interviews with the makers. It’s episode 30 if I remember correctly, you can check it out here.
I hate to be the one to add vulgar words to your awesome blog John, but it seems to me that the practical uses for TinEye in order to find more porn are just staggering!
[Hah! –J.]
Hi John,
Emily is very cool. Although I can imagine the sex industry driving that one further than hollywood.