Web Photo Gallery Flash detection script revved

The Web Photo Gallery export plug-in that shipped in Photoshop CS2 & CS3 (and that’s available as an optional download for CS4) featured the ability to export Flash galleries (like this). As Matthew Richmond from the Chopping Block (which developed the gallery templates) writes, however, “The release of Flash Player 10 unfortunately breaks the JavaScript Flash Player detect that was initially included in the Flash WPG templates.”

Matthew & co. have updated the templates & have provided instructions on revising already generated galleries. Check out his post for more details. (Thanks, guys, for going the extra mile on this one.)

5 thoughts on “Web Photo Gallery Flash detection script revved

  1. Thanks for the script.
    However, I feel sorry for the lovely lady kissing that, that.
    well I won’t say
    [I know–unspeakably handsome, right? –J.]
    Ken in KY

  2. I downloaded the “goodies” but none will install in CS4. Error says “Photoshop does not recognize this type of file.”
    Any ideas?

  3. John,
    Thanks for the info leading to the fixes (and the post), I was loosing my mind over just what the heck happened to my galleries.
    Things are working again but maybe a bit on the slow side (I’ll have to look into that) . I had no issues putting in the fixes.
    Thanks again,
    David Bellard

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