Adobe’s QE & tech support teams have posted & are updating technotes that cover Photoshop and Creative Suite 3 compatibility with Mac OS X Snow Leopard. I’ll try to keep posting updates when I can, but the technotes are likely to supply more up-to-date info. [Via Photoshop QE manager Dave Howe]
How about Flash Builder 4 and Flash Catalyst? Just curious.
I have to admit I didn’t try the betas, but the builds I have right now are working just fine. As far as I’ve heard the betas are working as well.
One thing we know we need to look into is compiler performance using the 64-bit JRE, we’re still investigating what’s going on there.
Is it worth to update now to Snow Leopard.0? Or should I wait until a .1 Version will come out?
@Chad. I’ll contact those teams and post back here.
I miss the check for compatibility for LR 2.4 with CS4 PS.
Photomerge from LR 2.4 seems al least for me only, when LR is used in 32bit mode.
With LR 2.4 in 64bit mode Photomerging fails, the files seem to be written, but the dialog box in PS doesn’t even come up…
Sorry typo: LR 2.4 works with Photomerge to CS4 PS only, when LR is used in 32bit mode.
How does one submit bugs to the Technotes?
I have issues with Save For Web in Photoshop CS4. (Crashes every time.)
Have found several others online with the same issue.
@Chad, No major issues are known of with Flex Builder 3 on Snow Leopard.
There is also a problem/bug in Photoshop CS3 and CS4 under Snow Leopard. If you have an image on a layer and select outline, inner, in the layer effects dialog – the image gets pixeled. Outer and middle work perfect.