Inspired by a Photoshop-box-as-mask photo* I posted recently, artist Phillip Valedez worked with Adobe creative director Russell Brown to create a rather terrific “feathered mask,” using only Photoshop CS4 boxes:
(Click for a larger view.)
Feathered selections/masks, incidentally, were one of the killer features of the original Photoshop–released 20 years ago this week!
Here’s a quick time lapse of Phillip at work:
* Sorry that I can’t give the original creator credit, as the photo came to me without attribution.
The photographer of the image is his wife, VisioLuxus. You can see more of his masks on her flickr set.
Here’s a link to Visioluxus’ Flickr stream, as mentioned above: (Warning, NSFW!)
And you can see more of Phillip’s mask making on his page:
Wonderful work!
Where´s the PDF? 😉
Something’s wrong… Where are all the “Flash sucks. Death to Adobe. Nack is a no-good (insert colorful phrase) comments? 😉
[Patience…! –J.]
Finally! Some real good’ol, hand-made stuff! Thanks for posting this.
Wonderfull work.
I am a French designer, I come regularly to your blog
thank you for this article.
Here also a link to the video of my communications agency:
Reminds me of the Photoshop cooking: