Video: OK Go + Dogs

Just look at this dog video. Just look at it. πŸ™‚

Someone once said that OK Go is a bunch of video artists masquerading as a band. I think that about nails it. More info is on the band’s site. [Via Margot Nack]
[Update: Gizmodo has more making-of info & pictures. “12 trainers, two furniture movers, 12 dogs, one goat, 38 buckets, and a bunch of furniture…”] [Via]

5 thoughts on “Video: OK Go + Dogs

  1. Cool factoid… this video was produced in Corvallis, where we live, with local animals. Nice to see the local yokels making headlines. πŸ™‚

  2. Their videos are always clever and very complex and now they’ve added dogs to the mix! Kudos as they still pulled it off even with no cuts and edits which are the main trick when getting animals to perform on camera.

  3. Good video idea but a little spoilt by the fact that the ‘band’ are clearly on tenterhooks for anything going wrong and spoiling the ‘one take’. This makes them look very strained and uncomfortable throughout.
    One of the great things about the walkmaster video was they made it look easy and were nonchalant even though it was obviously hard to do. Here it looks less like fun and more like a chore.

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