Lightroom: Watermark your images with sequential names/numbers

A photographer friend wrote me to say that her client has requested that she stamp each image in a shoot with a visible sequence number, making it easy for the client to request shots by name. With an assist from Lightroom PM Tom Hogarty, I can suggest the following:

  • Go into the Slideshow module.
  • Pick a template if you’d like (Tom had me choose Widescreen).
  • On the bottom toolbar press the “ABC” (“add text”) button.
  • From the adjacent popup menu, choose “Filename.”
  • Position the filename over the image as desired.
  • In the lower left corner, choose “Export PDF…” (or hold Opt/Alt to get “Export JPEG…”).
  • If for any reason you want the visible numbers to match the images’ filenames, add the following steps:
    • Choose Library->Rename.
    • Back in the Slideshow module, select a preset like “Custom Name – Sequence.” (You can choose “Edit” to get fancy with renaming tokens, but the presets will likely suffice.)


9 thoughts on “Lightroom: Watermark your images with sequential names/numbers

  1. an add file name script comes with CS5 as a demo java? (jsx) script file.
    search for it on your HD
    haven’t tried it

  2. This is cool for slideshows and exported PDFs or videos but it’s not ACTUALLY watermarking. Watermarking needs to be able to operate on variables in this same way but instead it’s all it can do is put the same text on each photo. This capability you point to indicates the capacity is there–watermarking just needs to be able to tap into it. I imagine there’s the thought that you’ll always want to put the same copyright information or such into a photo and I’m sure that use case is the lion’s share of the need here but I would think there might be others besides me who need to export with something else, such as the Title of the picture, in the watermark.

  3. THANK YOU!!!
    I have been searching for something like this for ages…didn’t realise it was so simple! So Pleased 😉

  4. Thanks this is cool.
    Can you export the photos as JPEG, without the slideshow background, just the photo with your watermark & filename?

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