Video: Future Hipsters February 12, 2012Uncategorizedjnack Now I’m kind of tempted to get a QR code tat that links to “un gato vomitando.” [Via Bruce Bullis]
As of 2/21, 0:14-0:19 will apply to me. Maybe I’ll run into you in the Adobe cafeteria! [Woo! “Abandon hope all ye who enter here…” 😉 –J.] Reply
here you go, John:
Looks a wee bit busier than the one in the video, but…
As of 2/21, 0:14-0:19 will apply to me. Maybe I’ll run into you in the Adobe cafeteria!
[Woo! “Abandon hope all ye who enter here…” 😉 –J.]
The tat would be right up there with the Whitman campaign’s infamous botched tweet.