Demo: Faster retouching via Content-Aware Move in CS6

Retoucher Glyn Dewis calls Photoshop CS6 a “game changer.” Here he compares lengthening a neck in CS5 to a new & much faster method enabled by CS6:

6 thoughts on “Demo: Faster retouching via Content-Aware Move in CS6

  1. John,
    CS6…A game changer for sure; absolutely loving it!
    So many enhancements but one that’s killer is the processing speed. Before now creativity would be slowed down to allow for certain tasks to be completed but now I’m finding that ‘you ask and you receive’ … Photoshop is like a Rocket on Red Bull 🙂
    Glad you liked the video,
    All the best to you,

  2. I know this is a minor adjustment, but we can demonstrate retouching using content-aware fill without distorting anatomy, (or young people’s perception of beauty), in record time.

  3. WTF – since when is lengthening a neck part of retouching a photo? This world is clearly skewed, and not in a good way.

    1. Ben,
      I think this is one of those “fact of life” moments where one realizes that this is the way things are.
      I am not saying I agree with it because I don’t.
      BTW… nice video.

  4. Great Tutorial, love the accent, especially enjoyed the single focus of the instructions, makes it easier to understand/remember, for me anyway.
    Keep up the good work John.

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