How to get Adobe Touch apps for free via Creative Cloud

Subscribing to Creative Cloud entitles you to free copies of the Adobe Touch apps. Here’s what you do:

  • Buy the touch apps via the App Store or Android Market.
  • Log into Creative Cloud from within each app.
  • Once you’ve logged into at least three touch apps, we’ll credit your account with a free month of service, offsetting the price you paid for the touch apps*.
  • Result: You get the touch apps for no cost beyond your Creative Cloud membership.

Is it a slightly strange approach? Maybe, but it works. (See terms & conditions if you want the fine print.) Please let us know if anything remains confusing.

* I suppose someone will point out that if one buys 5 touch apps and is paying $30/mo., a free month doesn’t cover the cost of the touch apps. It’s equally true, however, that if one buys 3 touch apps and is paying $50/mo., a free month covers nearly twice the cost of the touch apps.

17 thoughts on “How to get Adobe Touch apps for free via Creative Cloud

  1. Sorry. All the UK marketing material and the promotional pages pushing sign-up said the apps were included in the cloud sub. Not 3, not 1, all.
    If I only want one … nada. Two? Nope.
    The amount is irrelevant, but you cannot promise free apps and then caveat it after the money is taken – this is actually illegal in the UK.

  2. Sorry John but having trouble with the transatlantic pricing. The Creative Cloud cost in the is US$29.00 pm – that equates, at today’s exchange rate to UK£18.00 but the cost to us in UK pounds for Creative Cloud would be £27.00 pm and that equates to US$43.00.
    Unless my maths and understanding of the situation is out of whack, over here in the UK, loyal Adobe customers would pay around US$16 per month (around US$200 per year) more than our US counterparts for the exact same product. I am not an economist and don’t understand global trade, taxes etc but US$200 is a great deal of money. Please would somebody explain the justification for this price difference to me.
    Having been a loyal Adobe customer paying for CS2, CS3, CS4, CS5.5 and now CS6 Master Suite I’m starting to have problems and concerns about the Adobe pricing structure. I’m trying to go with you Adobe but it is getting increasingly more difficult for me to do so in these difficult times. And I’m really just not getting the Creative Cloud idea.
    I see Adobe selling new features in each software iteration but I can’t help thinking that, increasingly, we are being obliged to pay for the same horse but with a slightly different and not wholly useful saddle.
    You can only take so many bites out of a customer before they bleed dry (excuse the gory mixed and other metaphors).
    Best Wishes

    1. How much is VAT in the UK? 20% right?
      So 18 quid becomes 21.60 straight off the bat.
      Exchange rates move considerably, most companies would set a rate internally for pricing, so that would account for some difference, too. That could easily account for a couple of quid, so let’s call 23 in even money to be nice.
      Then you have the cost of local support. It costs more to do business in the UK than it does in the US (cost of living is higher, etc etc). Basically, you’re paying 4 quid to cover that.
      Sure, there may be other marketing and revenue factors involved, but there’s most of the difference for you.

  3. I do not understand the “month of free service” I have a Creative Cloud membership, what is the month of free service about?
    Thanks John

  4. Hi John, where can we best get an ETA on the rest of the Touch apps for iOS please? Debut looks particularly promising!

  5. might it be a better idea for adobe to give me the credit for the app store or some sort of free download code. cause trying to get a company to reimburse me for the apps I am paying for and the creative cloud they pay for is a huge problem.
    most creatives pay for their iOS devices and their company pays for the creative suites from adobe. this model is a hoax for most situations and makes no sense.
    [There are limits to what we can do in the context of today’s app stores. If there were better viable alternatives, we’d be pursuing them. –J.]
    eiher give me the apps some easy way or don’t. but making me pay for them up front is not free.
    nice try.

  6. Spin it baby, spin it!
    Anyone who is not crystal clear that the subscription model is made for Adobe, and NOT for the user should take a break, step back, and re-evaluate. Puh-leeease!
    [Based on what do you say it? You can’t know how hard people here have worked to make this as easy as possible for customers. –J.]
    These promotional posts are pretty much grossing me out and I’m thinking the content that used to be useful from this blog is waning, to say the least.
    [Jesus, I just can’t please you people, can I? –J.]

    1. Larry – I admit I’m a bit skeptical about the subscription model, but am willing to give it a try. Ultimately, any pricing strategy is aimed at furthering the goals of the company, which ostensibly furthers the benefit to the customer. I honestly don’t know how this approach will shake out in the market, but there’s a lower cost of entry and a predictable outlay for planning.
      Many businesses will benefit from that if they allow recurring payments, especially with good IT that either pushes updates or allows immediate client updates. It remains to be seen if this model works well for small houses and individuals.
      On the topic of being grossed out by promotional posts, well… seriously? Do you not understand whose blog this is, and why it’s here? And that a major release just went out? Why don’t you count the number of ‘promotional’ entries and compare them to the whole. Then consider that even the promotional entries have useful information, such as explaining how to get the touch apps reimbursed.

    2. Promotional posts? You mean, and Adobe employee talking about Adobe products?
      I’m not sure you have the requisite IQ to join this, or frankly any other, conversation, Larry.

  7. I’d be happy to give the subscription model a try, except for two small details: (1) I already paid for CS6MC, and (2) if I end the subscription I’m locked out of the apps. Unless I still don’t understand the rules.
    Regarding the free month — Had I not already the suite, what good would one free month be? I can already download a one month demo for CS6.
    I think if I had never bought CS, or my last purchase was a couple of versions old, the subscription model might make sense. But it just doesn’t save me anything on CS compared to upgrading. And I don’t dare switch over just to test the other subscription features, since once I’ve switched, CS6 dies if I decide I don’t need them.
    I’m an early adopter in general, but the CCloud still seems to make little sense for a customer in my situation.

    1. Reigniting an old thread, but this is the exact situation I find myself in: CS6MC owner, interested in touch apps, but can’t take advantage of the buy-them-get-free-subscription offer (or any of the other benefits of CC membership over CS6MC boxed software). It’s a little frustrating.

  8. Unfortunately the new touch apps are not available for free. Adobe couldn’t make that work with the apps stores (Google/iTunes), not so bad.
    The real problem I’m having now is that the touch apps only currently work for Android 3.1 where was we are now in Android 4.0 and 4.1 for the best and latest devices including the Google Nexus 7.
    [I can speak only for Photoshop Touch, the current version 1.2 of which which was certified on Android 4.0. –J.]
    As much as I want this flagship Android Device, I’m hesitating to get it just based on waiting for Adobe to make Touch Apps compatible with it since the Adobe Touch Apps are my main reason for buying an Android Tablet (I hate iPad…) so I don’t want to get an outdated tablet just to have these apps.

  9. Given the recent announcement that the touch apps are being reduced to just Adobe Ideas and Photoshop Touch, it’s now impossible to pay for three apps together a free month subscription. Like so many people here a selling point for the Creative Cloud membership was free access to the touch apps. Just got an iPad for Christmas and looked into getting the now discontinued apps.

  10. I want to echo Bett G’s comment. After reading this blog, I purchased the Adobe Photoshop touch without realizing that there were only 1 or 2 apps. The iPad apps were one of the reasons that I subscribed.

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