The amazing thing isn’t that the folks at FiftyThree poured a year’s worth of work into “just” color mixing in their iPad app Paper. The amazing thing is that they had the guts to ship a drawing app without as basic & obvious a feature as color picking—and that by all accounts the app was a big hit without it.
Agree this is a great application. The downside (unexplained at purchase) is having to keep paying for all the add on bits as you want to add brushes and so on. If only they would explain the cost of the full package at time of purchase…I feel that is sales by sleight of hand (a worrying Adobe trend (i.e. cloud)?)….
[Good work is worth paying for. If people think that paying a buck one time & getting a lifetime of frequent improvements is sustainable, they’ve got another think coming. –J.]
Nothing new. When we bought our first Apple computer. everything was extra.
Need a disk drive $$
want memory $$
App Store Customer Logic:
Free with small pay increments – WAHHHHH!! I FEEL LIKE I’M BEING RIPPED OFF!
It’s called a business Richard…
You missed the OP’s point which you can see with a re-read. The point is not about charging level or charging over time but disclosure and transparency over total costs of ownership. I happen to agree with the OP that that is a dislikeable trend occurring in online purchasing right now
I think the limitations in this app is what makes it great. You don’t fiddle with all the options until you’re “ready” to make art. No, you just dig in right away.