Photoshop's path selection get improved

Good tip from Julieanne Kost regarding the latest PS CC update:

Three really helpful improvements were made in Photoshop CC (v14.1), with regards to anchor point selection:

  • Path point selection is no longer retained when switching among layers.
  • Clicking on a selected anchor point will select that point and deselect others.
  • With anchor points not currently visible on a path, clicking on the location of an anchor point will select that point without any extra clicks.

8 thoughts on “Photoshop's path selection get improved

  1. Thank you! Very nice to see those issues addressed. One additional issue that has yet to be addressed. CS5 would automatically switch to the layer of the path you click on. So, if you were working on a path on Layer 1, but then clicked the path on Layer 2, it would automatically switch to that layer and activate the anchor points. Now it does nothing, and you manually have to switch layers.

  2. @Mark Jenkinson Command-click is your friend. It’ll safely teleport you to a different layer without changing tools and without needing to make the long journey across the screen to visit the layers panel.
    [Thanks, Marc. –J.]

    1. Hey Marc. Yes, that’s what’s broken. 🙂 Command-click doesn’t work with the “Direct Selection Tool”. (white cursor for manipulating points) At least it doesn’t work on my setup. Command click only switches layers when used in conjunction with the “Move Tool” for some reason.

      1. Was that working in CS6, then changed in CC? It’s working here for me, in CS6. (I’m in a strange place right now where I have two drives and I’m working with CS6 for the next few days while I move across to CC and Mavericks, so I can’t test CC right now.)

        1. Sorry, I meant CC. It was working in CS6 and now it’s not working in CC. I lost track of what version on I’m. 😛

          1. Hi Mar. With the Direct Select tool, try Ctrl + Cmd + click, and you get the layers under the cursor in a contextual menu.

          2. Hi Mark. With your Direct Select tool options, you need to either disable ‘Auto-Select’ for the Cmd+click to work, or enable ‘Auto-Select’ and use an unmodified click to change your layer target.

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