See Barcelona's "finished" Sagrada Familia

I had no idea that Gaudi’s masterwork might actually get finished (hey, it’s only been 120 years) in 2026. Check out this nicely rendered 3D visualization:

Margot, hearing the slightly cheestastic music just now without context, said, “Oh boy—what are we getting motivated about this morning?” [Via]

2 thoughts on “See Barcelona's "finished" Sagrada Familia

  1. Fascinating. Every few seconds you think “oh, now it’s finished”… then a whole new crop of planned spires rise up. They could stop at a number of points and still have an amazing cathedral.
    [Insert comparisons to certain software development projects here]
    [Touché. –J.]

  2. John, when I read “slightly cheestastic music”, I was assuming you were referring to the song “La Sagrada Familia” by The Alan Parsons Project. But the right 2 minutes snipped from that song would have made great background for this video 🙂
    [Alan Parsons? Isn’t that the guy building a “frickin’ laser” on the moon? –J.]

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