“What’s the film about… and then, what’s the film really about?”
I find myself touched by Ben Proudfoot’s “THE OX… a portrait of master woodworker Eric Hollenbeck.” It’s about much more, though—about the kids & veterans whose lives he touches, about how he got “bent,” about the virtual island he built.
Wow. Beautiful short film. Amazing man.
A riveting story and masterful story-telling.
Bravo Ben Proudfoot for your light touch.
Thanks, John.
Thank you for sharing this. Gratefully my son has returned from Afghanistan after serving on the front lines. Of course though, he isn’t the same. Your video clip has given me a much better understanding of possibly what is going on inside of him. I wish he could meet Eric and see his work.
Fantastic. This is the road I am seeking.
[You & me both. –J.]