Sacre Rouge

I’m trying to put the Carmen Sandiego in “CS” this week, visiting Adobe offices and customers in Europe. Now, fond as I am of watching the planes land at SJC, I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest that the Adobe Paris office has a bit better view, no? (The NY office has it pretty good, too, with the Empire State Building looming off one side and Bryant Park below on the other.) The mood in the office is upbeat, and folks are looking forward to meeting their new, former-Macromedia colleagues (with whom some had already collaborated to show Flash-Premiere-After Effects integration).

0 thoughts on “Sacre Rouge

  1. John, will you stop in the Belgian offices as well? If yes, I’d like to be able to offer you a good beer for all the good work you and your team are doing with Photoshop!

  2. Jeff, you know I can’t get enough tundra and trips to “Cheap Chinese,” but sorry, man, it’s hard to compete with the Eiffel Tower.
    Pierre-Etienne, I’d love to take you up on the offer, but Amsterdam on Friday is as Benelux as I’m going to get this time.

  3. Well, I guess, you’ll be forced to drink that famous beer from netherlands… Courage, John, you can make it! 😉
    Next time you are in our neck of the woods, drop a line here!

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