Lightroom Beta 3 now on Adobe Labs

The second major update to the Lightroom Public Beta is now available on Adobe Labs. This release remains Mac-only, but the Lightroom Beta for Windows will be available this summer and more public Betas are scheduled to follow with additional functionality.
Beta 3 for Mac includes the following updates:

  1. Before and After views in Develop
  2. History of Develop edits provided
  3. Live preview of HTML/Flash web output in new Web Module
  4. Auto Import or Hot Folder support
  5. Better handling of PSD and TIFF files
  6. Resolution control in Export
  7. Additional straighten tool
  8. Saving module settings with collections and shoots
  9. Keyword import/export
  10. User can specify a custom order for images in a collection or shoot
  11. More options for filtering based on rating
  12. Ability to not filter lists with search string/rating
  13. Black point compensation in Print
  14. Can specify Develop preset to apply during import

As always, we’re eager to hear photographers’ thoughts/rants/raves on what’s needed in this professional workflow application. Click the Community tab on the Lightroom product page for links to the forums. Thanks in advance for your insights.

0 thoughts on “Lightroom Beta 3 now on Adobe Labs

  1. To update i have to uninstall the previous version…will I lost my work?
    [I don’t know, but I have a hard time imagining you would. That said, I’ll check. –J.]

  2. Marco,
    Uninstalling Lightroom (I assume you’re talking PC….) will have no effect on your Library. And when you launch B4, it will update your library for compatibility. That said… there will be a B4.2 coming up in a day or two to fix some somewhat significant problems….. so you might want to wait.
    [Thanks for the info, George. –J.]

  3. updated from beta 3 to beta 4, lost library preview images, says it cannot find original files? I am running osx v 10.4.3, how do you unistall version beta 4, is version 3 still there or has it been overridden?

  4. Hey Dave,
    B4 changed the way it handles preview cache’s… so it probably deleted your cache. But the photos you imported should not have been touched.
    Installing B4 should not have overridden B3, unless you dragged it to your Applications folder (same as B3) and clicked Yes to overwrite.
    In any case, B4 will be much improved and much faster, so it’s probably worth trying to make it work, rather than going back to B3.
    Contact me at georgej – at – if you still have problems.

  5. How do I get B4 for installation. I would love to try the new features, see how they work, and identify any possible problems.

  6. Hello george
    i would like lightroom to be able to export the picture/s with the identity plate, graphic or text or both…
    now you can do it only with the slide show…and the quality is pdf and not as good
    why is not possible to export picture with the identity plate?
    it is so important, to be able to have your name or logo, nicely customizable. So people can see your name or logo.
    any chance to see this function?
    it would not seem to difficult to implement in export mode since lr can already do it in slideshow,

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