Wrapping up a packed week at Adobe MAX, on Thursday a number of teams provided glimpses of what they’ve got cooking for the future. Jen deHaan has provided a great overview, taking notes during the session. Some highlights:
- Fireworks is now geared towards rapid prototyping. Dani Beaumont dragged buttons and other widgets into a Fireworks doc, set JavaScript parameters, exported the results to MXML, and opened it in Flex. If this trips your trigger, you can sign up for their beta.
- Adobe is working with Yahoo on integration with the Acrobat Connect (neé Breeze) communication platform. Peter Ryce & Dean Chen showed PDFs being displayed directly through Connect (using the Flash Player).
- Hart Schafer pointed out spectral view in Soundbooth, where you can visually eliminate unwanted noises using tools much like Photoshop’s Healing Brush. Played a bahw-tschicka-WAaoow funk groove appropriate to Dirty Vegas.
- Scott Fegette demoed cross-browser compatibility checking in Dreamweaver, plus a CSS Advisor on Adobe.com that lets users share solutions, add comments, rate articles, etc.
- Beau Amber of Metaliq showed new Zoomify components written in ActionScript 3.0. Fast and smooth loading of a 1.2GB file through Flash Player. [More thoughtful chin-pulling ensues.]
- Michael Kaplan displayed an interactive, 3D Razr phone running inside a PDF. A Flash UI inside the PDF caused a 3D hand to appear and dial the phone, which then proceeded to play Flash video on its (virtual) screen. And at this point, the audience completely lost it.
You know, Adobe (the old, pre-Macromedia Adobe) had great technology for years, but in my experience the company was often a little shy and unassuming about promoting it. When the Adobe-Macromedia deal was announced, a designer remarked, "Adobe will make Macromedia grow up a little bit, but Macromedia will take Adobe out clubbing." I see that now happening, and I’m getting visions of Michael rocking out to The System Is Down. 🙂
Don’t forget that the flash ui was applied to the cellphone 3d model as a texture and was fully functional calling in the hand 3d model via AS. That is where i lost it.
[Heh heh–indeed. Thanks for pointing out those details. –J.[