Welcoming a new year with animation & photos

Hey everyone–happy 2008!  May the new year bring you much peace, joy, success, and hilarity.

The madcap, After Effects-wielding Spiridellis brothers at JibJab have created a great animation to ring out ’07.  The look on Steve Jobs’s face is particularly excellent. 🙂

The NYT features a gallery of New Years photos from around the world.  I really like the shot of a sparkler-loving child in Moscow, as well as a slightly surreal shot of the Popemobile at night.

2 thoughts on “Welcoming a new year with animation & photos

  1. That site is awesome. Can you tell me what they are using for the custom movies – flash or shockwave?
    [I’d imagine they’re using the Flash Player to composite JPEG or PNG image files with pre-rendered video on the fly. –J.]

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