Crazy-fast 3D slideshows for Flickr, Facebook, more

Several times now I’ve expressed my appreciation for PicLens, a beautiful (and free) little browser plug-in that enables full-screen, hardware-accelerated slideshows from Google Images, Flickr, MySpace, deviantART, and other sites.  It’s changed my whole online photo viewing experience.

Now Alec from PicLens writes to say that there’s a new version available for Firefox (Safari & IE updates to follow):

It features the all-new “3D Wall,” a magical virtual interface that can exhibit 100s, if not 1000s of images. There, you can drag, scroll, zoom, and, of course, jump into full-screen mode. You’ll have to try it out to really experience it. It brings the user one step closer to a fully immersive multimedia experience on the Web.

Once you download the 1MB plug-in (Mac or Win), go into a slideshow and try holding down and arrow key to cruise through the images.  I’d take a screenshot, but it doesn’t seem to get along with Snapz Pro.  [Update: Here’s one, though it doesn’t capture the motion.]  Really nicely done, guys!

[Update: Matthew from The Turning Gate has updated his free TTG Slimbox Gallery for Lightroom to offer PicLens compatibility.  I’ve confirmed that it does indeed work, provided you upload the exported gallery to a Web server.]

0 thoughts on “Crazy-fast 3D slideshows for Flickr, Facebook, more

  1. Okay, that is by far the coolest thing I’ve seen in a while! The 3D actually works on my non-3D video card too. The real benefit is the pre-loading though.

  2. John, thanks for bringing this to my attention. I’d seen PicLens before, but never really cared for it until now. The 3D-wall makes it a whole new beast, and a very nice one too.
    In fact, I like it so much, I’ve integrated it into my TTG HTML Gallery for Lightroom, and plan to add it to the Slimbox gallery soon as well.
    [Awesome, Matthew; can’t wait to check it out. –J.]

  3. I got addicted to Piclens: I recorded other 2 minutes while trying to push its limits with flickr. I browsed my whole photo-stream in order to show integration paths between the 3D experience and the feeds from pages, comments, map, stats…
    Here it is the crazy result:

  4. Hey from the Cooliris Team! Wow, thanks so much for writing about us, and glad to hear we have some PicLens addicts out there 😛 We wanted to let you all know PicLens has been selected a FINALIST in the 2008 Webware 100 Awards, out of over 4,600 2.0 Web service nominees! This is a HUGE accomplishment; So thanks a TON for your tremendous support in getting us recognition! You can vote for PicLens at until 9am on March 31st. If you know anyone else that loves PicLens, make sure to tell them to vote too. Hope you will help us! ☺
    Meg & The Cooliris Team

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