Video: Tablet publishing demo

The team at Sports Illustrated has created an interesting mockup of how the magazine could be made interactive on a tablet. It’s worth hitting the fullscreen button:

Here’s more info on the project.
I’ll admit, when I’ve seen InDesign adding interactive authoring features, integration with Flash, placement of video content, etc., I’ve raised my eyebrows a touch. Seeing how publishers would like to evolve their offerings, however, the logic & direction seem much more clear. (As I’ve heard InDesign PM Michael Ninness remark, “Print isn’t dead, but print only is dying.)

7 thoughts on “Video: Tablet publishing demo

  1. Once I got past how bummed I was at the fact that print design will be a thing of the past like VHS, cassette tapes ect. I actually became excited after seeing this. Print does and always will have an emotional effect on you because of it being tactical and all, but this—if done right—can really supply an awesome user interaction experience. Like it or not, this is the future. I can’t wait to see how indesign will change over the course of 5-10 years adapting to this new technology!

  2. Don’t get me wrong, I love books and reading: But if you have access to full color, video, and audio. Why bother making users read minimal copy? It’s like scrolling text at start of movies. You have actors, have one read it! If I wanted to read I would buy the book.

  3. Well Jack,
    I know now. The end of the world is near. My wife want to digitize me and then clone me in CS4…..Can you guys at Adobe help me……?
    I still like flesh and bones plus paper.
    My local rag just went to $1.00…..4 pages of content and 28 pages of advertising. The print guys just don’t get it….But I love print.
    I am not assigning blame, but who ever figures the print/digital ratios will make a bundle.
    Ken in KY

  4. It’s makes for a nice demo but it’s a pipe dream. I don’t believe for one minute that this is the future of magazine publishing. No one is going to want to hold that tablet thing on the toilet.

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