If Adobe made an iPad app…

…or apps for other tablets and/or smartphones, for that matter, what would you want it to be?
Believe me, there’s no shortage of ideas here, nor is this something we just started thinking about (quite the contrary). We’re just curious about what you think, need, and want. Any feedback is most welcome.

298 thoughts on “If Adobe made an iPad app…

  1. The Creative Suite. I am only partly joking. I think a more robust Photoshop like app, Illustrator and Premier would be really cool. Like, beat apple to the iLife punch.

  2. don´t do it.
    don´t evben think about it. you screwed lightroom and flash.
    better get the things to work that you have already screwed up.

    1. I have lots of books that I can now carry around on my iPad (and save my aching back). And some of them are in Digital Editions on my PC. But — alas — I can’t read them on my iPad!
      I am waiting, with great hope, for Digital Editions to come to the iPad, so I can bring over one of my heaviest tomes.
      Can Apple & Adobe resolve this in a way that serves your customers?
      I know I would greatly appreciate it.

  3. I think that with the release of iWork for iPad, we’ve seen where the future of “work” applications are going. It’s as revolutionary as the first mouse was.
    We’ll need pressure sensitivity to get the most out of it, but that’s just a matter of time.
    I encourage you and your adobe fellows: think outside the box, get radical! Time to reinvent photoshop anyway.

  4. An app for creative managers – for instance markup/annotations and approval workflow for image, layout, video. You’re not going to make a great image/audio/video/layout editor, but I think the iPad will be great for over-the-shoulder collaboration.

  5. Import and organize (Bridge like) which would transfer to Lightroom. The rest is Apple’s problem to make it a photographers tool.

  6. I think a lot of photographers look at the iPad as a great digital portfolio to take on appointments with customers. At least I think like this. So I think a lot of Lightroom users would like a companion app that they could sync their photos to but it shouldn’t be a lightroom light more of a portfolio app. I think it might be good to be able to write comments that would be saved into the metadata, like if you want to save thought the client had on the photos. I might be able to explain more of what I’m thinking about but if you want to learn more you’ll have to email me! 🙂

  7. I would love to see a Lightroom “Lite” on the iPad.
    Cropping, presets, basic image enhancements would be great.
    And then be able to up them straight to the web/flickr/FB/etc

  8. The obvious answer is Photoshop for iPad. Obvious ideas usually aren’t very good, however.
    Don’t reinvent the wheel. If you’re serious, you probably already own CS and you won’t want to work on an iPad. What I’m saying is: Don’t make iPad versions of Adobe apps. There are plenty of corny drawing apps for iPhone OS already out there.
    Here’s an idea: make the iPad an input device that would work with Photoshop. Think Cintiq (from Wacom), but better and cheaper.
    Now that is something I’d buy.

  9. The thing that would push me over the cliff for buying an iPad would be an adobe app that would import and process raw photos on set, view them, and then send them to my computer via wifi or data connection w/ .xmp sidecar file attached. OR, if you guys wanted to push the DNG even more, have something that converted it before you got to the processing stage. I don’t see you having everyone happy at the end of the day if you tried to put any of the CS on the ipad, but a RAW process unit for photogs would be amazing.

  10. The most feasible thing is a stylish and deadly Lightroom 3.0 on the go. But not a camera in sight for this app to be realistic.
    Video, audio editing or even illustrative drawing is much to advanced for that platform. You will end up making these apps looking like from 1996
    Perhaps a certain version of Photoshop might do the trick, but that is just a dream..

  11. Actually, I like Adobe CS4 on my Windows 7 Tablet PC which includes a Wacom digitizer in the screen. I wish Adobe had a better touch interface for Windows 7 though… multi-touch support too.
    Also, those big optical multi-touch monitors that can sense actual paint brush strokes on the screen are pretty awesome! I’d think support for those would be much better than small-screened things.

  12. I would love a Lightroom compatible app for the iPad. You could toss away a lots of the features but it would have to be able to sync to my lightroom catalog. And a simplified touch interface with the ability to develop raw images would be nice – even if it just worked with smaller jpeg images on the device and this when would sync the settings to my main catalog on the mac on the next sync.
    A Creative Suite documents reader would be nice as well. To be able to open indd, ai and psd files on the iPad. A complete touch.
    Or just a touch interface creative suite 🙂
    I would also like an app that can store and catalog all my pdfs of work for myself and clients. Think a combination of issuu and cowerflow that also syncs to a personal website that I can choose to publish pdfs to. And people can watch and download those pdfs.

  13. Mobile versions of Lightroom and Photoshop are the first ones to come to mind, but as a vector artist I’m also loving the idea of a touch-screen Illustrator.

  14. As already suggested,a lightroom “lite” with at least the functionalities of the library module. It will be very nice to have a Tablet to do cataloging work on the field, and be capable of synchronising with a main lightroom catalog. But not sure it will be easy to do an efficient UI.

  15. I think many commenters already stumbled on it, but the two things that come to mind when I first think of what I’d most often do on this device:
    – library management
    – presentation
    A bridge or lightroom ‘lite’ model would cover most of this I think. grab 300 photos from a shoot or a bunch of video clips and dump them on a central machine & then use the tablet to make my first passes at flaggin, rating, tagging, culling etc the set down either by myself or maybe in real time with a client. Bridge Review Mode already screams touch UI.
    this would get me 90% there, but I wouldn’t argue with Camera RAW/LR sliders too.
    the most important thing would be that whatever I do there integrates well with my home library or machine so I’m not doing work that goes no where and I can seemless use one device or another [this is what I wouldn’t get with, say, using iPhoto on the device and then having to get all that data back to LR]
    The other obvious usage is for collection browsing and slideshows on the go. Similarly with the library management the less I have to actively [and ahead of time] “export” slideshows and images for the device sync and more I can feel like I’m just browsing my library or collections the better. Don’t want to be stuck with data on the “desktop” when sharing photos. Otherwise I don’t need a new app for that I can just publish slideshows or web pages from existing tools and view in a browser or video player.

  16. A photo organizer/editor, an image manipulation tool, a drawing tool. Allow us to transfer to to desktop for more robust editing/syncing with LR, PS, and AI. Use the concepts behind LR, PS and AI and create great new iPad OS tools.

  17. Maybe this is off-topic, but I’d like to see Flash Catalyst be able to make apps like the Sports Illustrated demo so it would run on the iPad without using the Flash player/plugin.
    Or even something similar to the Keynote demo- running on an iPad – making apps for the iPad.

  18. Yes! Especially cool is how those optical multitouch screens can use custom physical controller widgets to modulate some function. Like a dial to modulate opacity independent from what the stylus is doing.

  19. I would LOVE a basic lightroom. sort, delete, process, upload jpegs to flickr, upload raws (with metadata that can import the processing into LR3 desktop) to an FTP server or dropbox.
    Even if processing was just white balance, color correct, dodge+burn, it would be a winner.
    Flash…. not so interested.

  20. IMHO I would like to see “light” versions of the suite that included simple interactivity along the lines of Flash Catalyst. Apps that could enable a designer to “Comp” design ideas quickly while meeting with clients. Wire-frame type applications that could export to Dreamweaver, Flash, Flash Builder or even InDesign would make my “Dream List”.
    Intergation with Photoshop Express, Buzzwords and Acrobat .com would be awesome as well. And most importantly, enable Flash and include a webcam!

  21. Start with the easy one first — AIR.
    iPhone 3.2 SDK allows for document access. Now it wouldn’t be the regular AIR that we have now, but would require selecting the .air file and running it, but it could provide a first step.
    After that, Adobe Connect to watch Connect sessions. This would be much harder since Connect is Flash-based.

  22. I like the Ipad as desktop accessory (Cintiq) idea. Also a more robust Photokeys app could be very usefull.
    But the Ipad on its own should be a premier digital sketchbook. It probably wouldn’t need all the depth of PS CS4, but it shouldn’t skimp on powerful features just for the sake of absolute simplicity (adjustment layers, masking, custom brushes, etc.)
    I don’t think you necessarily need a Wacom digitizer to have a great paint app. I’ve always found their pressure response unreliable anyway.
    I think Adobe should think in terms of advanced finger-painting; with dynamic zooming for small detail strokes and the ability to modify the properties of a brush (size, opacity, etc) mid-stroke using multi-touch sliders or dials.
    I saw a demo of someone at Adobe labs working on something like this. So I know it is not too far out of the ballpark.
    Also the smudgy paint coming in CS5 would be nice for the multitouch experience. A nice analog for physical media, where it is quite normal to modify a stroke by smudging and blending with your fingers.

  23. I don’t think a “Lightroom Lite” app would be practical because of the processing horsepower required, but I’d love to have at least a viewer for Lightroom catalog/preview files — ideally with the capability of doing simple metadata updates such as ratings and keywords.
    This would be a huge win for all those ad-hoc meetings where the client is asking, “I’m not sure I like the photo, have we got any other options?” I’d love to be able to hand them the tablet and say, “Sure, just poke the ones you like.”

  24. Lightroom “Lite” but only if it syncs back to Lightroom. Agreed that it should be more of a “portfolio” tool than a full on photo-editing suite. And support shooting tethered, even camera control. Can you reverse engineer the wire protocol for the different cameras like you do with the RAW files? If you can it could even have some “shooting assistant” tools (like auto-calculating DOF based on lens, camera, and settings)

  25. 1) Lightroom related. Maybe not processing images. How about an extension to the Library Module. Import, organize, keyword, rate, etc, to a Catalog you can then import/sync to your computer. Then do the heavy processing on the computer. Also, an extension to the Slideshow module; a quick presentation for our clients without having to resort to a computer.
    2) Acrobat.com. How about bring all that is Acrobat.com for use in the iPad/iPhone. If Apple can do Pages, surely Adobe can bring Buzzword to the iPad.
    Got a whole bunch of ideas, but those are my top two!

  26. I would be interested in purchasing the following apps for the iPad.
    * Lightroom lite
    * Fireworks lite: a groundup rewrite-interface could be similar to Lightroom. Features: vectors & bitmap handling: non-destructive filters, pixelperfect (no blurry corners like Illustrator when exported) and slicing (export png & jpg – no html, css js etc)
    A killer feature would be if the slices could be layer based, meaning a slice on layer 2 would not include items from layer 1 etc. Meaning a logo on layer 2 would have a transparent-background, not the stuff from the lower layers.
    If I got these 2 apps, I would purchase the iPad just to be able to use these apps.
    (I currently use Illustrator & Fireworks for web design & Indesign for print.)
    * Indesign lite: I would be interested in this as well. Something that would be simpler that the full indesign, but more advanced than Apple Pages. (full support for CMYK & spot colors, guidelines etc.)

  27. Wireless and tethered shooting through an interface like “Lightroom Lite”
    Flash support!!!! Come on Apple & Adobe. Make this happen already.
    If Flash remains impossible – then create an iphone/ipad plug for Lightroom that allows photographers to build portfolios that will be visible on these devices using a redirected url.

  28. Physical controller widgets for optical touch screens? I haven’t heard of that!
    For others, here’s a paint program on an existing optical multitouch screen being used with an actual brush. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B90_tqv-5vc
    It uses optical sensors in the bezel as opposed to capacitive sensors like the iPad or an antenna like Wacom. The advantage is you can get large screens with multi-touch very inexpensively. I think I’ve seen some for around $300.

  29. Reinvent vector editing for a multi touch UI. Don’t start with Illustrator and adapt it. Start from scratch and reimagine the whole UI. Of course the output format should still be compatible to AI. But the UI can be completely new. I believe to really take advantage of the multi touch you should start something new from scratch rather than adapting and tweaking desktop UIs. There is huge potential there for some really intuitive and efficient editing apps.

  30. BTW, if you released the above 3 apps for the iPad, I would also like them on the Mac. That way, I can use them on the laptop with a mouse & drawing tablet, or on the iPad.

  31. It seems to me the most logical app for Adobe to pursue would be anything that enables the easier creation of other iPad content. Of course, those are exactly the kinds of thing Apple would try to block.
    That said, I personally am interested in using the iPad as a camera viewfinder/controller. Having a plugin for Bridge and Lightroom for this would be superb.

  32. I have visions of my iPad as a capable on-the-go sketch pad. So vector and bitmap graphic sketch program(s). I use mainly Illustrator, so it would be great to be able to import my sketches directly in from the iPad. Regardless: Adobe-quality sketch program. (Brushes is nice, but you guys are the gurus…)

  33. how about you make the iPad an ancillary device that helps you with tool selection. im envisioning sliders, color selections, quick selections, no dropdown menus—that sort of thing

  34. What Hendrick said! (Missed your comment before I made mine later). What do you crazy kids say? +1. Yeah, +1. 🙂

  35. I’ve always though Adobe has a pretty good GUI framework, why not turn that into an OS. I’d say do it based on Linux, unless you actually plan to sell it or something silly (Android will win in the tablet/smartbook space – everyone but Apple is standardizing on it). HTC is doing something along these lines by building HTC SenseUI on top of Android. Others are doing the same (Joo Joo, Notion Ink Adam, etc.). I think that’d be win for Adobe (who could expand the AIR store to include native apps). Theres plenty of room in this still emerging market segment for an Adobe tablet (just make sure it is more like a laptop, and less like an iPod Touch – though it doesn’t have to be completely unlocked, as there’s a benefit to a safe source for apps, and a built in system wide package manager – just don’t be jerks about the lock-in).
    In case I didn’t make it clear, the iPad will not win in it’s own market, and it didn’t make any new markets either. It’s in the netbook/smartbook market – and yes, they are the same. People expect these devices to work like a computer (ask someone about their nettop, if you don’t believe me), and that’s the test that the iPad fails.

  36. I’m yet another in the camp of Lightroom in some form. I’d love an iPad app that allowed me to:
    * transfer images to the iPad
    * view RAW images
    * make basic edits (cropping, contrast, maybe overall saturation, etc)
    * tag and flag
    * add JPG versions to the Photos app (to the be sent to Flickr, etc while on the go)
    * sync everything to my main system’s Lightroom when I get home
    In fact, this would motivate me to buy the iPad.

  37. CS light. What would be killer for me is the ability to present work to clients on an iPad and also muck with it in real time (annotate a PDF, modify an InDesign layout or a Photoshop mockup.
    I wouldn’t want all the bells & whistles like filters or colour space conversion, but the ability to move and work with objects (vector and raster), rearrange layers etc. would be invaluable.
    Basically a mobile office for the freelance designer.
    Pretty please?

  38. +1 for Lightroom Lite.
    When I am on vacation I would love to dump raw images off my camera’s memory cards (for safe keeping and just simple previewing). I lug enough camera gear around, I would love to ditch the laptop at home. I would love to import raw files, make a few light image tweaks and the ability to upload photos to Facebook/Flickr etc…or dump out lower-res jpgs to e-mail.
    It would also serve as a great portable portfolio for photogs.
    It would be the ultimate in the field tool for pro photogs and amateurs.
    Beyond version 1.0
    Tethered shooting…
    Additional image adjustments…
    If you beat Apple to the punch, I would probably switch my desktop from Aperture to Lightroom – if there was great syncing ability.
    Please Adobe – begging for this!

  39. Agreed. For me, the killer iPad app would be a PDF markup tool that allows me to save the changes (notes, drawings) back to the PDF file (not a sidecar).
    That’s all I would need to replace my stack of scientific papers by an iPad.
    And a bonus feature: a good search function that allows you to search for keywords in the current PDF, or a set of PDFs (in a directory).

  40. Adobe DNG ConverterAdobe Camera RawA tool for sending articles to a DW or Contribute website.An RSS Feed editor.

  41. Cool. Now, if you follow Apple’s lead and port your productivity suite apps to the iPad, will they also be offered at $9.99 each?
    On a serious note, add my vote for a version of Lightroom as being the one app I’d most likely want to use on the iPad. The problem being, of course, the current lack of a USB port to get a dump from the camera while on the road.
    Maybe Nikon and Canon can be talked into adding a 30pin connector to their DSLRs?

  42. A Dreamweaver App: A browser where we can view a page on our web site, do a quick download to edit text or other small piece of code, then reupload to the server. for edits while on the road…

  43. Not an iPad app per se, but adding iPhoto compatible photo sharing support to Lightroom so I can use Apple’s slick iPad photo app to browse my Lightroom catalog.
    I don’t think it makes sense to port Adobe’s pro media creation apps to a consumer media consumption platform like the iPad.

  44. I think that, while there clearly are plenty of potential standalone creative applications for the iPad, thinking “standalone” may be far too limiting. What I would like to do is take advantage of the iPad as a smart companion display for the creative applications on my mac or pc.
    The iPad has a big directly-manipulable display, a potent processor and a network connection… So, I should be able to delegate work from the main computer to one (or more) iPad as needed — Lightroom has secondary display support, but it is a “dumb” display… Here, the iPad allows me — or a team, or clients, even — to interact with the main system in a more intuitive and personal way, while leaving the heavy lifting on the desktop.
    This also plays to Adobe’s strengths — I don’t expect some magical new software package to do a subset of Photoshop, Lightroom or whatever other Creative Suite application on the iPad… I want to take the already awesome application on my desk and make working with it better, faster, more intuitive.

  45. I can think of a lot of photo and Photoshop/Lightroom applications but I think the iPad form factor would be awesome for Adobe Connect Professional. I read about Acrobat Connect Pro Mobile, but an app that makes advantage of the screen resolution of the iPad would be awesome. Especially if there was a way to also leverage Adobe Presenter and Captivate content via pods within the app. That might enable a lot of existing e-learning content to become available on the iPad.

  46. iLight… a light version of Lightroom that would include the following:
    – [ ] An absolutely amazing slide show machine for swiping through photos and presenting slide shows via projector (professional-level control)
    – [ ] Allow me to browse my library of images that are stored on my desktop/laptop machine and organize them.
    – [ ] Sync all changes to the desktop client
    – [ ] Allow me to download into it from my digital camera in the field and then return home and have an amazingly elegant transition into the desktop version
    – [ ] Allow me to have a packaged and password protected portfolio files that I can send to another iPad owner via email or via wifi “bumping”
    – [ ] Let me keyword my photos and have that transfer to my desktop library
    – [ ] Allow me to add notes to photos so I can hand the pad to a client and have them make choices and comment of things that sync over wifi to my desktop
    – [ ] Maybe even a wifi connection to the desktop client where I can control what I send to the client’s iPad screen interactively.
    – [ ] Come up with some method of shooting tethered into the machine for a great huge screen experience without the klunk of a laptop

  47. Mobile Lightroom PLUS Camera Control
    – Controls the camera
    – Auto import RAW images
    – Applies basic settings and metadata, including GPS location
    – Option to convert to DNG
    – Syncs new image into my Lightroom catalog at home
    This would be a killer app that would sell millions.

    The one question that keeps floating around in my head is: how much would you pay for your favorite iPad app? Is it worth more than your typical iPhone app because the device now has a larger screen and faster processor? If yes, how much more? Somehow we software developers have to make a living on this stuff 😉

  49. The iPad certainly seems like a neat device, but I think ALL developers should be concerened by Apple’s closed ecosystem vision of the ‘world wide web.

  50. A version of Photoshop Express and Adobe Connect would be perfect.
    What about an app for displaying mockups and handling workflow. Say an online storage account would allow you to check in your mock ups and the iPad would download these and grant you the ability to add quick notes (recorded audio would be best. Let’s say there is a button you press to add a note then touch the image over the area you want changed. This will open up a dialog that will allow you to type or record audio or both. Once you have added all your notes you can pass the information back to the server which will dispatch a formatted email to whoever is assigned to the job. That person can then access the notes and instructions from the online account.

  51. Who wants to bet that in a couple years Apple will drop desktop Mac OS X and everyone will have to rewrite their applications for the iPhone/Pad OS?

  52. I think this is spot on. Plus, some way to view images upon taking them in the field, sort of a larger camera LCD screen. Not sure if the iPad has this out of the box, but it would be useful to have. I’m not convinced that LR Light is necessary. I don’t plan on editing on the iPad, just reviewing and displaying. I love the metadata notes thought as well.

  53. A lot of love for the lightroom lite app here. I have to say that a Photoshop app would be my preference.
    I think moving over to touch controls would be quite painless. When you think about it, everything is driven with a combinations of mouse clicks and menus already.
    further, You could combine the “hand” and “zoom” tools to your left hand with 2 fingers. pinching to zoom in and out while at the same time (with the same hand) 2 finger scrolling to drag. The right hand could then be used with a single finger to use move/paint/erase etc (standard mouse click and hold stuff).
    I think that what this could overcome is our fingers are probably to fat to be precise enough without enhancing the hand/zoom functions.
    I hope i’m getting across whats happening in my mind here. It of course brings to mind Minority Report, buts that not exactly a bad thing.

  54. As an “always on” device, it would be wonderful to be able to do collaborate stuff like acrobat.com and photoshop.com.
    Frankly, I don’t think that software programs as the traditional suite programs have a place on earth (or table). You would use the iPad for that, only because it technically could be done.
    Lightroom Lite, may be an exception to that fact – meta-tagging images … and then again, no – not for a living. In my spare time maybe, and for a Wooot!! you got an iPad presentation.
    I will no say that v2.0 of it will change that, but as is, the “hand will always get in the way, when doing serious work”
    If Adobe will be doing business on that platform, the focus has to be, what the iPad can do, and not what Adobe has done, before!
    Just my thoughts

  55. Lightroom.
    The iPad’s built-in memory is no bigger than a CF card, and it has no built-in CF reader (gotta plug an adapter into the dock connector) so there’s no point slurping the photos into the iPad’s internal memory, like one of those Epson CF readers. Instead, use the built-in WiFi to shoot each processed photo to either a computer on the same LAN running “real” Lightroom or to a photo sharing site. (I want both options in the program. By “or” I just mean that you probably want only one at a particular time. Although…backup RAW to local LR, upload JPEG to Flickr in one shot…?)
    This fills a gap left by the EyeFi cards: no CF, no RAW support. Use that big beautiful screen and decent processor to do RAW conversion, then send the files elsewhere to be enjoyed, like an EyeFi.
    You can drop the Print module, obviously.
    The Library module stays. It would let you browse libraries shared by a computer running full Lightroom, as an iPod touch running Apple’s Remote app can browse a library shared through a copy of iTunes.
    The Web module probably goes away, unless it morphs into a way to talk to whatever photo sharing site it uses to send photos to. Maybe it just hosts a web browser that takes you right to your user page on the photo sharing site.

  56. There’s an app Adobe definitely should make for all the major platforms and not just the iPad: a high-quality epub editor. Make it good, and you’d own the market.
    InDesign’s ePub output has too many limitations and it’s far more complex than it needs to be for ePub. And this new application should be good at importing html, Word and InDesign documents, perhaps PDF too.

  57. There’s an app Adobe definitely should make for all the major platforms and not just the iPad: a high-quality epub editor. Make it good, and you’d own the market.
    InDesign’s ePub output has too many limitations and it’s far more complex than it needs to be for ePub. And this new application should be good at importing html, Word and InDesign documents, perhaps PDF too.

  58. I’ll add two suggestions specific to the iPad.
    1. A version of Adobe Reader with top notch editorial notation features. That’d make an iPad the perfect tool for on-the-go editing of business documents, magazine articles, and books.
    2. A version of Elements specifically targeting travelers who’d like to be able to select, annotate, and perhaps even create slide shows of pictures. Upload ability would be nice too.

  59. I’m actually most excited to see companion apps for the iPad to use either when it is docked or connected via wifi. There are a huge number of useful extensions you could make to every CS app, starting with a great pinch and zoom “navigator” panel for photoshop.

  60. When I watched Steve Jobs announcing the iPad and showing some apps, only one thing went through my head : please Adobe, make a Lightroom ‘lite’ app for this device!!!! Some basic sorting of images, rating, giving keywords, metadata, basic developing, slideshow, synch to catalog on laptop/desktop. Would absolutely love to see such an app…

  61. When I watched Steve Jobs announcing the iPad and showing some apps, only one thing went through my head : please Adobe, make a Lightroom ‘lite’ app for this device!!!! Some basic sorting of images, rating, giving keywords, metadata, basic developing, slideshow, synch to catalog on laptop/desktop. Would absolutely love to see such an app…

  62. Build an APP that will allow tethered shooting to flow into a bridge type “thing”, let it capture all the data in the file and then ability to export to regular adobe bridge on a PC or APPLE PC.
    First to the market with this app will be a winner (I am assuming Jack this is doable?? )
    Its like this, pun intended. Building a bridge to another bridge…..
    If you guys have the budget to add this, all the photogs will line up very fast….
    Don’t let Nikon/Canon or some other 3rd party vendor beat your race to the “bridge”. First over wins….I think It will extend loyalty adobe users and generate a lot of good will…..
    I know Kelby and guys will cheer you on, as me in KY
    Most kindly
    Ken in KY

  63. I would love to see a slimmed down version of something similar to photoshop (but that definitely isn’t photoshop as we know it now) that ditches all of the features not relevant to actual >Photography

  64. Jack,
    One more thing. From my perspective, there is little or no value in a lite lighroom. It will only cannibalize Lightroom, having your app now in Iphone for Adobe’s photoshop thing on the web will do…..
    I see a huge market for the Ipad being more of a transfer pad to companies that already have in place robust software that runs on PC/Apple products
    Ken in KY

  65. Illustrator Elements… and Photoshop Elements. Two apps that can pull from and save to the photo library on the iPad.
    No heavy commercial printing features. Solid image correction and drawing tools.
    Connect app as well.

  66. Adobe Reader would be nice, preview technology is insufficient. As an appliance, I’m not sure that the usual Adobe applications running on the iPad is that necessary, but updated applications to create content designed for the iPad would be nice. Having your web apps customized for to work seamlessly on the iPad world be great. Here, I’m thinking Photoshop.com and Acrobat.com.

  67. No. The iPad is not worth it. Look at the android based tablets. Perhaps they’ll actually have pen interfaces as well as touch

  68. I think a really awesome app would be one that could link up with Photoshop/Lightroom on the desktop and be like a second monitor just for pallets and controls. Think of using the touch screen on the iPad to manipulate sliders or multitouch on curves. It also frees up screen space on your desktop.

  69. I don’t see why anyone would want specifically Adobe to make an App for the iPad. What does Adobe bring to the game that hundreds of other companies that have done so well on the iPhone/Touch platform don’t do as well or better?
    The only Adobe app I have is Photoshop, and it’s fine for what it is. But it could just as well have come from anyone else.
    About the only reason to want an App from Adobe would be for access to formats or information that are exclusive to Adobe. But there’s very little in either category I can think of that would make an iPad better, even if the software were free.
    Kuler might be worthwhile. I could sample colour from a photo in my iPhoto library, then build swatch libraries from it, or I could download Kuler swatches and use them to adjust colour in an existing photo. Fun, but hardly productive.
    With a CF/SD card reader, Camera Raw import and lite Lightroom editing would be handy for photographers in the field. One could share settings between full LR and lite LR and quickly apply them to preview shots or email comps or upload a contact sheet page.
    Anything’s better than the awful Jive crap that replaced the U2U forums. A new custom forum browser would make that shit almost useful again.

  70. When I shoot, I’m often not back at my main desktop computer for a few days. I typically bring a laptop or at least a netbook for several reasons. One of the most important is to review recent shots to cull and evaluate them and perhaps to send some of the best shots to an online site as a preview of the entire shoot.
    In order to do this properly, I need the ability to work in raw and to make most of the types of adjustments available in Lightroom. In fact, I typically use Lightroom, even on my netbook (which has a 768 line display rather than typical 600 line screen). This is because it’s difficult to really judge an image until it’s been tweaked to look its best, more or less. Wanting to post online only increases the need to be able to make tweaks.
    So, I’d love an iPad app that was a cutdown version of Lightroom. Most of the image management could go, since we’re talking about handling a single or small number of shoots at once. Library functions such as ratings and some metadata editing and tagging would be great plus Develop module abilities to edit individual images and send them to online sites or to my home computer. No need for the more complex functions such as comparing images, making print sets, etc. The slideshow should remain, however, since an iPad would make an excellent image review device that can be handed around from person to person easily for comment.

  71. Definetley Adobe Flash, but don’t integrate it into Safari. Rather, I would like to see a stand alone app, where users launch the Flash application, then types in the website that relys fully on Flash, and the application loads the webpage, and the flash content. If the web page has HTML only, the app would not load that page, since it does not have flash content.
    Another application I would like to see is Adobe Photoshop Elements, for iPhone. Not Photoshop Express, but Photoshop Elements. This way, users can take full advantage of Photoshop Element’s advanced editing capablilities.
    Adobe Creative Suite is another app I would like to see, but only Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, and InDesign. These four application makes mobile print production absolutly possible on the go, and provides the ability for company and clients to make print production on the fly, on the go.
    What about Adobe Digital Edition? Yes, it competes with iBooks store, but why not? Add PDF application to iPad, and spice things up, make document editing, commenting, and etc, lot more interactive, highlight by just holding the words, and sliding it across the sentance. And add comments, simply make the comment gesture on the pad, and type, or write with fingers.
    So many applications are possible with iPad, and iPad finally brings true cloud computing to a mobile device.

  72. Lightroom lite with an edit notation layer. You or client draw outlines around areas in photos, tap in area to get drop down list of edits – dodge, burn, sharpen, soften, shift color, etc.
    Support for USB devices – cameras, mem card readers and hard drives. Support two USB hard drives in mirror mode so photo backups automatic. When tablet created catalog imported to laptop of desktop, edit notation layer can be turned on to guide work.

  73. It must have pressure sensitive drawing capabilities. Then if it can run drawing apps that cater to the artist, that would seal the deal. Oh yeah, it MUST also display Flash with decent performance.
    I think that if the UI of the different pro apps can be reworked into an intuitive and multi-touch interface, it would be the game changing device that the iPad claims to be.

  74. How about tethered shooting to network storage, and then the iPad uses a Lite version of Lightroom (Develop and Slideshow modules only) to keep a watched folder over the network. You can be on a shoot, modify images, and present. Obviously it would automatically save metadata changes so you can synchronize on the desktop computer later.

  75. A mobile version of Lightroom would be really useful. Even just library-level functionality would be a good fit for the iPad’s touch interface, and editing (choosing selects, metadata, basic color, etc.) your photos is something you can effectively do on the go. I agree with the sentiments above that syncing to the desktop version would be critical.
    It would also be nice to capture or preview images to the iPad from wi-fi enabled DSLRs.

  76. Illustrator/Photoshop/Wacom-type input would be awesome. Be it a Lite/Elements/Full version.. whatever.
    @Henrick: Agreed, utilise iPad OS for workflow etc.
    Imagine having this device as a sketch, draw pad on the go- it would be awesome! Then heading back to your home/office/studio later to work with/import into the rest of your design.. or just sending your idea across the wifi… so much potential!
    Maybe keep it simple… don’t hang yourself with too many functions… but please do it! ;o)

  77. Illustrator/Photoshop/Wacom-type input would be awesome. Be it a Lite/Elements/Full version.. whatever.
    @Henrick: Agreed, utilise iPad OS for workflow etc.
    Imagine having this device as a sketch, draw pad on the go- it would be awesome! Then heading back to your home/office/studio later to work with/import into the rest of your design.. or just sending your idea across the wifi… so much potential!
    Maybe keep it simple… don’t hang yourself with too many functions… but please do it! ;o)

  78. I would like to see a multitouch tool control panel for the creative suite applications.
    IE: You can browse your photoshop brushes on the iPad and hit the one you want and it selects it on your main computer. This way you could easily switch between multiple brushes and tools without having to repeatedly open the brushes tablet. The same could happen with color pallets or any of the tools.

  79. One more vote for Lightroom. And another vote for a web design app, Dreamweaver or something similar.
    The two things I’m taking from the iPad intro are 1) it’s fast and 2) iWork opens the door to actual WORK on the device.
    I’ve told many people I can do everything I need on the iPhone except WORK (photo editing and web design). The iPad raises the bar on what’s possible on a small device.
    It will be interesting to see what you guys and gals come up with.

  80. It would be exceptional if I could replace my current wacom with this and have it act like a cinq.
    Also I would like to be able to take it to the client with their slideshow on it, make notes in handwriting if necessary and then bring it back to the office and make the changes on my big computer.

  81. That is a neat idea. Playing off of that, maybe the iPad CAN BE a sort of Wacom tablet! Then you can, when looking down at your pad, actually SEE where your stylus (Well, index finger I guess) is working on, BOTH on screen and on your iPad…
    Perhaps more a development that needs to come from Wacom though…

  82. An app that would process raw photos so they can be viewed on the iPad – doesn’t need to be a heavy processor, just enough so they can be viewed as I plan to use the iPad on the road when I travel and need to dump my card to see what I’ve got – bye bye epson!

  83. A workflow assistant – one that allows for me to manage shoots, post to web, and present to clients. It has to easily sync with LR and ideally would take advantage of the gesture…as the next version of PhotoPad would include pressure sensitivity for the truly personal retouch experience. Seriously – having a shoot manager and a pressure sensitive tablet in a 1.5 lb container that allows video conferencing would be killer.

  84. Layers (kinda like Brushes – that demo during the event made me think of you guys). Quick white balance adjustments, Quick curves adjustments. Magnifier to check for focus. Quick levels adjustments. Quick Camera Raw. A layer with the ability to make notes directly on the image. My list goes on and on. Using an iPad as enhanced digital ground glass – I’ll buy one and your app (or apps) in one click without blinking.

  85. Whatever app Adobe creates it must have online storage of some type be it:
    A currently available online storage or new service
    Adobe Version Cue
    Lack of online storage would cripple the effectiveness of an image editing or photo organizing related program for many people.

  86. As so many have stated, Apple needs to add pressure-sensitive stylus support for artists. Then Adobe (or others) could allow us to sketch (vectors – think Blob Brush) on the small screen while on-the-go. I’d buy that!

  87. I think the iPads likely ‘coffee table’ niche would lend itself to an excellent DJ style media player (similar to but not as complex as Traktor)
    Another idea is a remote editing app for protools/logic/cubase for effects/vst synths etc – I could see an iPad lying on a mixing desk in many studios.

  88. As a digital illustrator I’m really looking forward to using the iPad a digital sketchpad so any kind of sketching tool would be great. If you’re going for a Photoshop like app, then something akin to the lovely looking Pixelmator would be a good balance of powerful tools bu without overwhelming the small screen… Can’t wait to see what you come up with….
    Pricing along the iWork line wouldn’t hurt either…

  89. I saw someone has a stylus they claim will work on the iPad. The “Wacom” pad idea could be interesting as oppossed to finger painting that already exists.

  90. I’d like a publishing app that takes pdf files and creates a full page magazine for iPads that has a page turn ability. Then we can all publish our own magazines to iPads the way blurb lets us publish books.

  91. I would love to see a sketching app. Something that would allow you to capture ideas on the go and plug them into CS later.

  92. As a Photographer, would love an app through which one could control a Pro Camera ( i.e. Nikon ). Ability to apply camera settings, shoot and have the image transfer to the iPad in the WiFi mode would be a great start !
    Unsure if Nikon or Apple would allow access to their hardware in such a way, but it certainly would improve workflow specialy on location – This would be a welcome alternative.

  93. A browser with Flash support…
    If not that a front end for a network linked Lightroom would be great. it would be nice to sort and do basic edits from the IPad. Also it would be nice to be able to easily show photos from Lightroom on the Pad.

  94. I’ll second Lightroom Lite. Let me import pictures from my dSLR, view RAW photos, store backups in case CF card dies, and share with others on a remote portrait shoot. The Laptop-on-a-Tripod might look cool, but it’s not exactly practical.
    Plus, the IPS displays should have calibration abilities, giving photogs instant feedback.

  95. I like Lightroom like app ideas, but I think, that Adobe should …
    – release complete description of .lrcat file or improve SDK, so I can work with it from my app / plug-in
    – allow better Lightroom control from external apps or plug-ins (introduce import plug-in for example)
    … and than, it’s just a matter of time until someone wrote Lightroom like app for iPad with ability to synchronize with Lightroom catalog. It can be done over WiFi or via iPad’s application shared folder (= when you do connect iPad via USB, application’s data folder will appear as an external drive like USB flash).

  96. I would love to see basic companion tools for the CS design premium applications that would allow me to do quick mock ups in client meetings or while I’m away from my desktop. An app that would allow for making vector drawings that export to .ai, .eps, .PDF and a painting/photo editing app for making layered .psd files. Also, a universal adobe file browser and reader for viewing files from the harddrive or a server. I want a reason to replace my laptop, and I can’t until I have this.

  97. Please don’t.
    I’ve spent the last two hours trying to figure out how to adjust the properties of a star object in Illustrator, i.e., smooth all the points and adjust the distance of the radius from the center point for both the inner and outer sets of points AFTER creating the star so as to have visual feedback. One would think you could create a star and then simply adjust little sliders pertaining to each of those parameters respectively. But I digress, that would make too much sense.
    Note: if I’m missing a glaringly obvious way to do this then
    1. I apologize for further harping on Adobe (although they drive me crazy with the amount of opportunities to do so)
    2. Thanks to whoever called me on it for reminding me how easy it is to smooth the edges on a fraking star shape!
    My point is that so many of Adobe’s apps are already so crazy stupid that to introduce another would take resources away from where they are most needed: that same hoard of Adobe apps currently plagued by ineptitudes.
    Additionally, while the first incarnation of this mythical Adobe iPad app might be great, it won’t be long after all the wannabe skeeze-pads show up that this same Adobe app will take a nosedive in quality as it begins to cater only to the greatest common factor betwixt devices of the (supposedly) same form factor.

  98. With all due respect Allan, to immediately relegate a commenter to troll status simply because their experiences and opinions may differ from yours is to truly play the role of the thread’s dolt.
    I find Gordon’s comment to be well-founded and completely identify with his experiences.

  99. Yes, it’s called the Pogo Stylus
    I use one for sketching and storyboarding on the iPhone all the time. As far as I know Multitouch technology doesn’t allow for pinpoint stylus input hence the tip of the Pogo Stylus is the same size as the handle. Nevertheless I find it provides more accuracy than finger painting. More importantly the Pogo makes it easier to see what you’re doing since your hand isn’t in the way (like it is when drawing with your finger.)
    The Pogo Stylus is tipped with a foam-esque material that helps conduct the electricity necessary to trigger the multi-touch from your fingers, through the stylus, through the tip to the device. Note that the foam tip isn’t so thick that it creates a mushy experience; there’s just enough foam to conduct the energy and provide a slight cushion between the hard stylus stick and the device’s screen.
    Currently I use Autodesk Sketchbook Pro Mobile as my primary painting program. And then due to ASPM’s lack of a smudge stick type of tool I import certain layers or drawings into the app Layers to leverage their smudge tool.
    Part of me would love to see Photoshop’s paint tools wrapped into a nice iPad sized sketchpad app. At the same time part of me is leery of Adobe’s ability to create a quality app using Objective-C.

  100. ‘Literoom’– a light version of Lightroom made to be the best thing for tethered shooting for the purposes of shot review (aka chimping, but writ large). That would be awesome! Would be great if you could set a crop too and have it remember the crop from shot to shot. And auto-apply some basic develop module settings to get things looking like a client or collaborator would want them to (i.e. to account for exposing to the right or using the neutral picture style for a more accurate histogram). Basically, a smart replacement for 8×10 Polaroid ;).

  101. How about iPad companion work surfaces for desktop Adobe products (via WiFi or BT link)?
    A virtual audio mixing board for Soundbooth. A jog/shuttle wheel for Premiere (Minority Report style). Virtual trackballs for color correction. The ability to rotate canvas/zoom/scroll Photoshop with multitouch. Easy layer reordering too! Hands-on paste up layout for InDesign (like hot wax). Intuitive Lightroom browsing, organizing by touch.

  102. What I need are more Cintiq like, iPad that can run Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator both in multitasking, then I’ll buy iPad one.
    [Haven’t such devices been available with Windows on them for, like, 9 years? –J.]

  103. PDF annotator, please! I agree with the others who would use the iPad more as a business-docs handler than an artistic tool. If Adobe creates a PDF annotation app for $3-5, you will scoop up a lot of academics and business professionals.

  104. Flash. Make it so Apple can still get their $$ off Flash apps on the iTune store (so they quit making up stories about it not being feasible, or bloated). Would also like to see a Lightroom Lite version. Simple Import and tagging. Sync to primary system when connected.

  105. Easy. Obviously some type of Javascript based IPad detection kit.
    It will detect if the current browser is running on an IPad-IPhone_IWhatever, and then serve up an identical version of the existing rich media web application that the rest of the world sees.

  106. http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2010/01/googles-dont-be-evil-mantra-is-bullshit-adobe-is-lazy-apples-steve-jobs
    “About Adobe: They are lazy, Jobs says. They have all this potential to do interesting things but they just refuse to do it. They don’t do anything with the approaches that Apple is taking, like Carbon. Apple does not support Flash because it is so buggy, he says. Whenever a Mac crashes more often than not it’s because of Flash. No one will be using Flash, he says. The world is moving to HTML5.”

  107. Great idea. It’s time for some fresh UI changes and what an opportunity. Great application to work with. Hope some smart programmers see your post because they will make some money.

  108. The only reason I want an iPad is for drawing. If there is no Photoshop or Illustrator, then I won’t even buy one. And I don’t just mean Photoshop Elements either. Like, what’s the point of a tablet computer with no Photoshop, right? Oh, and maybe Illustrator could get beefed up to make 3D models too, like Rhinocerus?

  109. Please don’t sell yourself short and just make wimpy versions of what you already make for the big macs; don’t think that you can’t do it, because you can. I really really really want a drawing/sculpting/timebased tool that can make raster/vector/3D/timebased imaging and will export to all the regular file types. Also, I’m an artist, not a computer scientist, so I don’t want to have to learn a whole new system for doing this. Make it intuitive, just as though I were drawing on a panel or a piece of paper, with all my paints and brushes sitting beside me. I want Layers and Filters and Live Trace and the ability to go deep into 3D space and the ability to combine an image sequence into a video. The user shouldn’t need to know how to use regular Photoshop or Illustrator to make it work; but if he or she does, it shouldn’t be so drastically different that they need to take a course to learn how to use it.

  110. Yet another vote for a LightroomLite for edits : culling, rating, entering keywords and metadata.
    Quick develop would be very nice but that would obviously drain power…
    Ability to quickly output a web gallery would be an optional plus.

  111. I think everyone assumes that an ipad version of Lightroom will be ‘allowed’ by Apple to work on the ipad.
    Doesn’t Apple already have Aperture?

  112. I’d be really happy with the camera raw part of Photoshop. I’d love to tether my camera to the iPad, do some quick camera raw edits, save a jpeg and email to a client all without having to return to my computer. A full running version of Photoshop would be nice only if it worked with a Wacom pen.

  113. Can’t believe I forgot about this—yes, a good, simple PDF reader with annotations (more like Apple’s Preview app and less like Adobe Reader) would be ideal. I would use the iPad for reading screenplays and making notes. I’d want an easy way to compile all the notes into a document when finished.

  114. I totally agree with Syl. I want a light app for tethered shooting which would be like a giant Polaroid on location, with support for basic metadata notation, rating and sorting. Has to be a really fast, stable bare-bones app. Would be cool with a nice slideshow presentation feature as well, so the iPad could work as a slick portfolio.

  115. The majority of ideas posted inspire me to inform the bulk of respondents to NOT quit their day jobs.
    [Well, that’s why we get to have day jobs, isn’t it? 🙂 Theoretically at least, I’m paid to translate what people say they want into things that actually address their needs. –J.]

  116. Ditto the desire for a mobile version of Lightroom.
    I’m not sure that the iPad will be able to handle the heavy lifting that a full version of Lightroom can, but what I’d like is the ability to import images from a day of shooting for review full-size on a multi-touch screen, and the option to add ratings, keywords, and other metadata, maybe load presets that I’ve created in the desktop version, organize folders like a regular library, and then have the whole thing sync to my desktop copy of LR when I dock the iPad.

  117. Definitely some sort of Lightroom app for importing photos, and light editing with the develop module before synching back to my Mac. I have to bring my MBP everywhere and it’s a pain. It would be an awesome photog setup for me to have my Canon 1D Mark III, which shoots RAW files on SD cards, and import them to the iPad.

  118. A reader client for Adobe Digital Editions.
    I have ebooks that I can’t read on my iPhone as they’re not supported by Stanza (recently bought by Amazon).

  119. Adobe should build an app for using the ipad as an secondary monitor for your tools and pallets. This would be very Star Trekish.
    Thank you adobe for building this app or me 😉

  120. I wish Adobe would make a browser for iPhone/iPad that’s supports Flash.
    Building a browser with Apple’s SDK in itself is very easy. If Adobe could make one with Flash support, it can (might?) prove Flash is a valid technology on mobile devices. Put Adobe’s money where it’s mouth is, so to speak.

  121. Keep Flash off this device.
    I am curious to see what Amazon is going to ultimately do with Stanza since their own (Amazon) eReader is pretty inferior to it.
    Would love a simple PDF reader application. Unfortunately, you guys never got it right on the Mac, Apple did (with Preview.app) — so if you can keep it SIMPLE, all the better. Adobe has a history of including every bell and whistle that no one will ever need or use, so please do not overdo it.
    This device demands simplicity.
    “Fixing Flash” is not the answer either as the performance drain on every Mac I’ve ever used is insane whenever I come across Flash on the web. The battery life of this thing is going to be nil if Flash is implemented, just my two cents.
    Go HTML5, WebKit and forget Flash.

  122. I wouldn’t put it that harshly, but he’s got a point. First make sure the current products available have a solid and stable codebase. Then port them to new platforms; otherwise, you will, as is happening now, loose your credit from developers and manufacturers alike. I know it’s a tough dilemma, but compare it to the choices Apple had to make when it desperately needed to break away from its old, buggy, operating system; it cost them a lot of time but in the end they submerged with a healthy, all-new, platform which is now the base for all of their products.

  123. If Adobe wants to gain a lead in the ebook market they needs to get upstream with the creation of the product. The iPad is going to be HUGE!!! The list of naysayers when the first iPod was released was long and distinguished. Now that they have all eaten plenty of helpings of crow, its time for them to learn from their mistakes and understand that the iPad is going to take text book publishers and the entire publishing industry into a direction they couldn’t go on their own.
    Adobe needs to start leading again. If they were to take a leadership stance on this, they would have had a demo of illustrator or photoshop on the iPad at the launch, but they blew that. They need to step up and start innovating again!

  124. Most of my time in the creative suite is split between InDesign and Photoshop, with Illustrator playing only a supporting role. While I like the idea of a lite Photoshop or Lightroom app, the idea of something that would let me rough out page layout, add text and place images, and then let me finish it later in InDesign on my PC or my Mac, would be the perfect dream. Especially if it could work without being dependant on 3G “cloud” service.

  125. I wish you prefaced your post with “No discussion of Flash” so the comments were more productive.
    I’d like to see a suite of helper apps for Adobe CS titles like Photoshop, InDesign, etc.
    Imagine pairing your iPad to the computer and the iPad screen contextually changes to give you options by which you could manipulate data on a computer.
    Think Levels, Curves, asset management, etc.
    Imagine working on a document and focusing on layers palette just to have a better mobile version activate on the iPhone where you can easily collect and organize it with your fingers.
    Or doing layouts in InDesign where instead of drawing boxes you can just define the area in a wireframe with your fingers by drawing squares and shapes and have that quickly translate onto the screen where it can be fine tuned and styled.
    Choosing fonts in Adobe apps is a very complicated process and it usually happens outside of the apps themselves, like in Linotype Font Explorer X or Suitcase. I’d rather have a reimagined interface where typography can be categorized and easily accessed on a touch interface (again, contextually).
    Doing a dedicated app that accomplishes a disjointed task is sort of boring, like the PS Mobile for iPhone.
    You should leverage the CS apps and supercharge them by introducing the iPad controlling device.
    I hope this helps.

  126. Same for me. The only reason I’d buy one is for drawing. I am considering a cheap Wacom tablet but can wait if the drawing program is good enough.
    Mac has always been the graphics platform…

  127. Call me a dinosaur, but I really can’t see myself doing any serious editing using an iPad (or any other tablet for that matter). That said, I think that what would really be productive is some kind of prototyping app, something that would let me draw and take the concepts out of my head as quickly as possible, and then export it for a full app in my computer.
    Oh, and off course Bridge and Adobe Media Player are essentials too 🙂

  128. On site photo review and culling.
    Histogram review and focus checking. Minor exposure correction to verify the shot is a keeper.
    Basic organization, or grouping into albums or tags

  129. On site photo review and culling for photographers.
    Hardware integration for tethered shooting.
    Histogram review and focus checking. Minor exposure correction to verify the shot is a keeper.
    Basic organization, or grouping into albums or tags.
    I don’t have any desire to use the ipad as an input device to your desktop apps.

  130. I would be thrilled if the iPad could run the Creative Suite. Photoshop and Illustrator are the two programs I use the most. I really wish that Adobe made strong competitors to Painter and Sketch Book Pro and included these programs as part of the Creative Suite. Both of these programs seek to imitate natural media (like drawing or painting) which is perfect for the iPad. If Adobe created a “Painter” or “Skechbook” version/mode for Photoshop, that would be great. Additionally I would love to see Adobe team up with the folks at Wacom to incorporate advanced stylus technology while still retaining the option to “finger paint” as well.
    And of course an iPad without Hulu is lame, so Apple and Adobe need to kiss and make-up and bring Flash to the iPhone, iPod Touch and the iPad. The latest rumors suggest that this is Apple’s decision – if so I would still hope that Adobe would go out of their way to try to make this happen. Why Apple wouldn’t want their customers to stream Hulu (not to mention countless other flash sites), I don’t know. The argument against proprietary formats doesn’t hold water when a proprietary format (like Flash) is so universal. Nonetheless Adobe needs to consider ways to make Flash more palatable to the open source community – otherwise Flash is probably in danger of eventually becoming a dinosaur.

  131. While it would be great fun to have a version of CS on the iPad I think that’d be a little bit overkill. What would be very nice however is a viewer app where you can view (and possibly comment) all the file formats from CS. While you won’t really be able to work on the files, you can still show your work in progress on an iPad.

  132. Add my vote for Lightroom (Lite). Would have loved to have been able to tote a mobile version of Lightroom on an iPad on a recent overseas shoot and leave the heavy MacBook Pro at home. When you already have a camera bag loaded to the gills, a laptop is a backbreaker. Just something to dump my photos into at the end of the day (just in case the CF card goes blooey) and begin the process of culling photos. A basic means of then possibly uploading a gallery for online review would also be nice for folks to get a preview of the day’s shoot.

  133. Maybe this is far-fetched, since I don’t think Adobe has ever shipped much in the way of hardware accessories, but this what I’d like to see:
    1) A pressure sensitive stylus (bluetooth-based, perhaps?; I believe iPhone OS supports third party bluetooth hardware/drivers: http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2010/01/wither-the-dongleware/)
    2) A photoshop-like program, even if it was slimmed down and optimized just for digital drawing/painting with layers (using the stylus)

  134. Note that while wireless speeds may not be optimal for this idea yet, I figured it can’t hurt to spit it out.
    Photoshop is my Painting software of choice, in part because for some reason Corel can’t make anything that isn’t straight out of Windows 95, something I wish weren’t the case because their paint brush emulation is the best available.
    There is no way the iPad will be able to run Photoshop, that’s a given, and that’s fine because it’s not supposed to. But my Macs can run Photoshop. Since my iPad can connect with my Macs via a handful of protocols, wouldn’t it be nice to have an iPad app that allowed users to utilize a painting and/or image processing app directly on their iPad, meanwhile all the heavy lifting was taking place back on whichever Mac they paired it with, obviously with Photoshop running. And no, I’m not talking about ARD/VNC software, I’m thinking of something wired up specifically and directly to some Adobe desktop engines. And if anyone tells me “Flash can do that” I’ll scream from the rooftops! I have a hard time believing that there is a lot which Flash can do that Objective-C cannot.
    The iPad app would only have to include Apple’s latest “popover” menus for the tools/commands/etc that make sense in this compacted little image app. Then each tool/command/etc could be directly tied to certain operations which exist back in the Photoshop mothership.
    Naturally this sounds like a bandwidth issue, but nevertheless, I find I’ve got two cents to pitch so “fling!”
    Good grief with all the square-brained requests for Lightroom and Photoshop on the iPad. You want to use Lightroom and Photoshop? Whip out your MacBook for chrissakes! The iPad IS NOT a MacBook with a different form factor! The iPad is NOT A crappy netbook! It was created to fill a gap between phones and laptops NOT MIMIC THEM!
    For some reason many people continue to see the forest for the trees. Maybe by itself the hardware resembles “just a big iPhone.” Granted, by itself that might seem a bit boring to onlookers. The iPad’s coup de grâce is the software. The fact that iWork has been so gracefully ported to the iPad is great news, it means that the iPad, unlike PC tablets and netbooks, is NOT just some crappy port. Per usual it begs that we all begin to think different(ly).

  135. It would be great if you could use the ipad like the Wacom Cintiq (with a stylus). The Wacom is a lot more expensive than the ipad, so any app that could give the ipad this functionality would be great!

  136. It would be great if you could use the ipad like the Wacom Cintiq (with a stylus). The Wacom is a lot more expensive than the ipad, so any app that could give the ipad this functionality would be great!

  137. I agree with this. Use the hardware of your main machine and the ipad as a screen/drawing tablet. That would be excellent.
    I would also LOVE to have a tethering app that could support RAW files and a simple view, sort, rank, and maybe export web proof gallery types of functionality! Make this and I will buy it!!!

  138. Adobe, can you hear me?
    I am an editorial designer preparing myself to become an iPad-Designer as well.
    I’d love to have Apples core animation features in InDesign (i.e. like there are in Apples “Keynote”) – with an export-option for the iPad and the iBook-Store.
    I’m afraid Adobe could use Flash to build the bridge from print-publishing to iPad-publishing, but that would unnecessarily complicate every ordinary production routine. Indesign can do this job alone, and it would really be a lean and fast solution for all coming iPad-publishers.
    Adobe should not mull over an own iPad-App, Adobe should become world standard vor iPad-Publishers (I’m shure they will, but please, not with Flash. Thank you.

  139. Adobe, can you hear me?
    I am an editorial designer preparing myself to become an iPad-Designer as well.
    I’d love to have Apples core animation features in InDesign (i.e. like there are in Apples “Keynote”) – with an export-option for the iPad and the iBook-Store.
    I’m afraid Adobe could use Flash to build the bridge from print-publishing to iPad-publishing, but that would unnecessarily complicate every ordinary production routine. Indesign can do this job alone, and it would really be a lean and fast solution for all coming iPad-publishers.
    Adobe should not mull over an own iPad-App, Adobe should become world standard vor iPad-Publishers (I’m shure they will, but please, not with Flash. Thank you.

  140. Illustrator, Illustrator, Illustrator. For a “true” photoshop painting experience, you’d need pressure sensitivity. At this point, we know this first Ipad does not offer this. Now, not to say they won’t add this in the future, but we know it wont be for a year at least. But for a propper Illustrator experience, on the other hand, you already have everything you need. The pinch/zoom function would be plenty sufficient for grabbing handles and such. It would be awesome to be able to create vector artwork, edit a logo, or just doodle sitting at starbucks or in your living room, and email it to a client. That, for me, would make the ipad worth getting.

  141. I personally don’t want the ipad like I wanted the iPod touch …. You know the feeling eerybody got when the iPhone was comming out. I did not feel it this time.
    ………… Now if adobe Mae that app u would be on it like white on rice. If they made cs4 availiable too I would freak out and break the bank. Seriously……
    Adobe get to work on this app!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¡!!!!!!!!,,,,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  142. Adobe has GOT to make illus. phtshp. and indsn. avaliable for the ipad. The interface is great as is and just needs a bit of tweaking for the touchscreen environment. Adobe, we have faith in you guys!

  143. I agree completely a Lightroom lite would be ideal. The ability to upload, do preliminary sorting for a later (more streamlined) upload to LR

  144. A sketching app is critical and I have no use for the Ipad without it. Full Photoshop capabilities would be great, but if not possible, the minimum I would need is a rudimentary sketch program with a file place feature, layers, transparency and basic paint tools that supports PDF. I also need the ability to use some kind of Cintiq-like stylus pen as I don’t think I could get used to finger painting, but it could be great if the navigation of layers/menus use some of the finger touch pad features from the Iphone for scaling,zooming, leafing through layers and so forth.

  145. I know Photoshop or any of the CS programs are heavy duty programs, a Photoshop Lightroom version for Ipad will be nice. As a Graphic Designer / Photographer the only use I have for the Ipad is presentation for my Artwork and photos to my clients. Be able to make some changes to the photos in real time with the client in a device that is so light will be wonderful. I know there are laptops out there but portability has a new boss in town… Ipad!

  146. I know Photoshop or any of the CS programs are heavy duty programs, a Photoshop Lightroom version for Ipad will be nice. As a Graphic Designer / Photographer the only use I have for the Ipad is presentation for my Artwork and photos to my clients. Be able to make some changes to the photos in real time with the client in a device that is so light will be wonderful. I know there are laptops out there but portability has a new boss in town… Ipad!

  147. I know Photoshop or any of the CS programs are heavy duty programs, a Photoshop Lightroom version for Ipad will be nice. As a Graphic Designer / Photographer the only use I have for the Ipad is presentation for my Artwork and photos to my clients. Be able to make some changes to the photos in real time with the client in a device that is so light will be wonderful. I know there are laptops out there but portability has a new boss in town… Ipad!

  148. I know Photoshop or any of the CS programs are heavy duty programs, a Photoshop Lightroom version for Ipad will be nice. As a Graphic Designer / Photographer the only use I have for the Ipad is presentation for my Artwork and photos to my clients. Be able to make some changes to the photos in real time with the client in a device that is so light will be wonderful. I know there are laptops out there but portability has a new boss in town… Ipad!

  149. Full Adobe Reader program to run on ipad so you can use full featured PDF files that have form fillable fields, embedded audio and vide etc. Right now I do not see anything like this as available. PDF has become so full featured and publishers are using it’s features but reader apps have not kept up with the free Reader app.

  150. Full Adobe Reader program to run on ipad so you can use full featured PDF files that have form fillable fields, embedded audio and vide etc. Right now I do not see anything like this as available. PDF has become so full featured and publishers are using it’s features but reader apps have not kept up with the free Reader app.

  151. I hope some kind of stylus can be developed to allow paths and brush work in Photoshop and Illustrator. I would be happy even with a lite version of Photoshop and Illustrator that focused on path creation, drawing and airbrushing, which would then allow you to export to the real Photoshop and Illustrator.
    Also, the iPad absolutely needs the finest PDF reader you can offer it.

  152. I’d be happy with a Lightroom “lite” I think I’d much rather haul around an iPad versus my laptop when I am on the road. Let me import, organize, export an image for web posting and makes it a seamless export out to my Lightroom “heavy”.

  153. Document handling and markup. There’s not much talk about it, but the ipad and similar devices could be key to the paperless office. Aside from those who use the “Track changes” tools within Word or the markup capabilities within Word and Acrobat, everyone tends to print out documents for review and markup. On a platform the size of the ipad, document review and markup is finally possible on a mobile platform. Whether a document is an image, text, or a mix, you can convert to pdf and markup on your laptop. With better pdf markup and editing tools, the ipad could replace an awful lot of printouts and paper.
    I would print a lot less if I could review, edit, markup, store, and forward documents on my ipad.

  154. I would absolutely love Adobe to develop Lite versions of photoshop and illustrator for the ipad. Maybe work with Apple to have the 2nd generation Ipad connect to your computer and allow you to use your ipad as an advanced wacom tablet. Allowing you to draw right on your screen in Full versions of adobe products. OR lite versions to use while not connected. Touch sensitive apps are the future so I hope Adobe takes full advantage of it!

  155. If adobe went ahead and produced a ‘lightroom lite’ on the iPad that would be more geared to tethered shooting & portfollio presentation.
    That quite simply would be a professional photographers dream! I am already looking into buying an ipad to replace my macbook pro as I mainly use it to show clients my work – the ipad will do this more dynamically and is more cost efficient.
    To have an alternative ‘slideshow’ layout to apples plus the integration of images from my Lightroom library from the studio is highly appealing.
    Tethered shooting would be the icing on the cake really for location shoots – Please Adobe consider this kind of app!

  156. It will be fantastic to have a sort of Creative Suite files viewer, to open (and in extreme edit) you “psd”, “ai” “png” you’ve created on the mac.

  157. An hybrid software between Photoshop and Illustrator, for example Fireworks, would fantastic rewritten for a multi-touch screen.

  158. Fireworks would be the perfect app for a multitouch screen. An hybrid between Photoshop and Illustrator, between pixel and vector. AWESOME!

  159. I would really like to see something as simple as the camera raw. I want to download my pics from camera, have a workspace identical to camera raw and be able to export them. Something like bridge so that i dont have to open all the pics at once would also be nice. This would make me want a ipad so sooooo much

  160. I would really like to see something as simple as the camera raw. I want to download my pics from camera, have a workspace identical to camera raw and be able to export them. Something like bridge so that i dont have to open all the pics at once would also be nice. This would make me want a ipad so sooooo much.

  161. Adobe CS4 (or CS5 will be out soon) – Maya, Macromedia Dorector/Lingo etc.
    Especially things where drawing is important..I’d like to see it replace a wacom tablet or clumsy mouse drawing. If I could take my finger and draw the angle or drag the objects, it would be much faster. Also making the choice to buy an iPad would be easier because it would be replacing a Wacom tablet, a computer (if it can run browser and basic office apps), books, maybe textbooks, etc…

  162. I completely agree. The fact that I can’t use LR on an iPad is the number one reason — and maybe only reason — I’m not buying one. I have to have LR to download photos when I travel and I’m not interested in carrying two devices. I love the idea of the stripped down version…

  163. yah,,,,,,,,,, go a head mate,,
    adobe reader is the best apps for who is doing business and studying in Uni…i will definitely it buy it…….

  164. I totally agree, and I know others have said this, but if I can’t run my CS on the iPad (without eventually having to buy it all over again), I see no reason for getting the iPad. Who wants to carry a laptop AND a the iPad around all the time?

  165. I would love too use an iPad Lightroom with tethering my Nikon D3s. It would be perfekt, IPS Panel for detail viewing of the captured images and a data tank too.
    If this would run 10h on battery no one would use a laptop in a shooting situation.
    THIS would be great!
    Best, Felix

  166. I would love too use an iPad Lightroom with tethering my Nikon D3s. It would be perfekt, IPS Panel for detail viewing of the captured images and a data tank too.
    If this would run 10h on battery no one would use a laptop in a shooting situation.
    THIS would be great!
    Best, Felix

  167. An application for READ/WRITE PDF documents is essential for the iPAD.
    An application to PRINT 2 PDF from the various Apple applications (i.e. Pages, Numbers, Keynote) would also be very useful.
    All the best,

  168. An application for READ/WRITE PDF documents is essential for the iPAD.
    An application to PRINT 2 PDF from the various Apple applications (i.e. Pages, Numbers, Keynote) would also be very useful.
    All the best,

  169. As a an illustrator / fine artist / graphic designer. All i would want is Basically a streamlined version of photoshop. more like a sketch book app but with the ability to use layers and possibly some filters. Like that it would be completely viable. No scratch that totally acceptable to buy and ipad considering the fact that you could go out practice your drawing, sketch up your ideas, but have the additional features that say if i wanted to spend the time to be able to create a A3 300dpi full colour image. (admitidly with the power of the ipad you’d probly be limited to say 10/15 layers max depending on the image size)
    but this should be totally possible for adobe. maybe even just a converted version of PS4 or 5 and just tweek the Gui and add a few more brush options. Then make the app £40 or less.

  170. A belated response – when I you posted this article, my reaction was nyeh – who needs an iPad. When my Macbook dies, I will think about it. As more details about the bookstore etc emerged, I stared to change my mind. When the camera adapter became real, my interest perked. When Apple announced Aperture for the iPad, It suddenly dawned on me that I was going to buy one – and then get stuck with iPhote or Aperture while travelling. So, all this is just a plea – give us Lightroom – with hooks to online services to back up (selected) RAW files while we are travelling.

  171. Photoshop. Not just a basic photo manipulation version like exists in the form of the Photoshop.com mobile app on the iPhone- I’m talking about a version which would enable digital artists with tools such as layers, transform, basic layer modes, brushes and so on. Go on, charge a bit for it. You’ll get what you want and we will get what we (I) want.
    There are other comments here that mention the Pogo Stylus or Pogo Sketch as the way to go for existing styluses for the iPad. From what I’ve seen, the Dagi Stylus is a much better bet. Both Apple and HTC have apparently submitted patent applications for very interesting looking capacitive styluses as well.
    But again, for me and I’m sure there will be plenty who agree (ignore those who don’t) a slimmed down Photoshop for the iPad that in no way ignores digital artists, doesn’t just cater to photographers (I am aware that it’s called “PHOTOshop”) would be a must-have app.

  172. I think in general the Ipad is going to be amazing..not to mention you cant say you know everything about an ipod touch just because you own one..I had one for a year and a half before I found the real potential..the Ipad was redesigned to work everywhere with a larger more clipboard like design..plenty of room to do Photoshop on. I think if you could at least come up with something that people that have fun and get creative with on iPad it would be a hit..thats just my opinion though..also..a video editing program..and I mean something legitimate and easy to use..similiar to sony vegas or along that lines, but more basic…would be an absolute hit with a lot of people I know..

  173. Please make an Lightrooom app! You can directly import photos from a DSLR to the iPad and being able to work on them in Lightroom directly would be a dream come true!!!

  174. A Lightroom Lite for the iPad would be of tremendous benefit! An app that would allow me to download RAW images from my DSLR and then categorize them and rate them on the iPad and then transfer them to my desktop Mac where I have a full version of Lightroom for work in the Develop Module.

  175. It would be nice to have the snapshot tool to use for incorporating PDF images into presentations created with ipad on the go

  176. If there could be a suite for Photoshop, illustrator and Acrobat professional that would be grand. I could really make use of an iPad personally, but as a designer it would be nice to be able to get a decent amount of work done too. Or at the very least figure out a way for the iPad to become a tablet and work with Photoshop on my desktop.

  177. Well I don’t really see the use for developer tools on this (yes I’m typing this on an iPad now). What I do want is a full blown version of Adobe Reader so that our e-books don’t have to be ported to the ePub format.

  178. Well I don’t really see the use for developer tools on this (yes I’m typing this on an iPad now). What I do want is a full blown version of Adobe Reader so that our e-books don’t have to be potted to the ePub format.

  179. It seems to me that Adobe should have had Digital Editions for the iPad out and available on Day 1. The Digital Editions development group has been unbelievably slow in bringing out versions and enhancements to Digital Editions. The software still comes across as antiquated and lame in appearance and functionality. I’ve really lost all confidence that Adobe will be able to deliver a solid DE platform for the iPad in the near term, if at all. Perhaps this inability to innovate and deliver is a key reason why Apple (and a lot of us customers!) is so hostile to Adobe?

  180. I work for a project management company where we are always on the move. We use iPhones to keep connected to email, etc, but we need more. We need to not only view PDFs, but also sketch on them, digitally sign them and timestamps documents.
    I want to be able to take an iPad (for example) to a meeting, show a client an architectural floor plan, sketch on it (probably will need a stylus of sorts to get precision lines), add comments and then get the client to sign off on the changes then and there. Basically. I want Adobe Acrobat for iPad (iAcrobat?)
    I also want to take meeting minutes (iWorks) and sync files with different project folders from my projects directory (and maybe even SharePoint).
    If all those features were available, I’d be happy as Sam. Administration time would be slashed. No longer would I need to take hand written notes in a meeting, go back to the office, write them out on my PC, then distribute. I could do it ALL in the meeting, go back to the office, and take a long lunch!!!

  181. Another vote for Lightroom.
    I think that LR + ipad are a match made in heaven. Lightroom already is simple to use, so with large capacities ipads have, I think that they would fit perfectly. It would be so absolutely useful and awesome to use Lightroom on the go with the ipad. You could have most if not all all the basic and advanced capabilities implemented. Think about it. Wouldn’t be great to pick, reject, crop, rotate, keyword and tune photos you downloaded from your camera? Then when you want it, you transfer those collections to your normal computer.
    I think that IPS screen yells: “Use me for your photos!”. Think about all those finger flicks you could do to control your photos.
    The ipads have large enough capacities (some have 64GB) to hold even some moderately large photo collections on the go. So with Lightroom and some UI tweaks the possibilities would be frankly endless. Lightroom would make a killer app for ipad no question about it.

  182. Yes… This is what I really want. I want to be able to import and review images with the iPad and have some very basic functionality. I would then like to be able to import the photos and metadata into my main computer and somehow retain the modifications/selections I made “in the field” on the iPad. Working directly off of the flash card might be the ticket, I don’t know, but there needs a to be a seemless way for me to view, perform basic sort/selection operations, maybe some very simple image adjustments (color temp, exposure), perhaps even discard images directly from the flash card? Syncing this with my main system is of prime importance.

  183. Three tools – Photoshop, Aperture – okay Lightroom and Dreamweaver. I could do 90% of on site work.

  184. I would be interested in seeing Illustrator and Photo Shop for the Ipad. That would be so awesome. I would get it.

  185. I would love to see a version of Dreamweaver, complete with FTP syncing for iPad. It would completely eliminated my need to carry a laptop most days. That would be for my professional side.
    For my hobbies, it would be great to have a version of Lightroom that supported tethered capture.

  186. I am a Mac Head of 20+ years and have always used Adobe products on my Mac. I am ashamed at Apple for not allowing Flash use on the iPad. Why stop the use of over half the websites created today just because Steve Jobs finds it to be too memory intensive… F him! Flash is a must before i will ever own an iPad!!
    I also feel that simplified versions of all CS programs would be a must have for the iPad, just like they ARE a must have for every Apple system I have ever owned in my career. Where would Apple be today without the programs from Adobe? How dare they take this stand against Flash and Adobe SHAME ON APPLE! ( I can’t believe I am saying this, but it’s true.)

  187. Don’t know if anyone has suggested this but I would like to see a feature where you can remove blemishes or soften the skin in a portrait by rubbing your finger on the screen just like make up artists apply make up.

  188. Yet another vote for Lightroom HD.
    I disagree completely that it would cannibalize Lightroom sales. It’s a completely incremental purchase and would simply solidify Adobe’s franchise with photographers.
    So many photographers are currently evaluating the iPad as the device to use when traveling to capture and organize photos.
    Also, love the idea for using the iPad as an additional display and controller for one’s desktop version of Lightroom (or Photoshop). One always wants more screen real estate and better controls.

  189. Adobe could create a Lightroom lite version that would be great for presentations. It would also be neat to be able to export catalogs without the negatives to your ipad so you could cull and append metadata while on the go. If this happened, i would definitely get an ipad

  190. I would love a lightweight Lightroom for being on the road. I found this thread because I was googling for such an option. Here’s my use case:
    I’ll be traveling for a year, splitting my time between volunteering in third world countries and exploring. I shoot an SLR and it won’t be practical for me to carry a full blown computer. The iPad seems perfect for such a thing from many perspectives.
    What would I like to do? I’d love to be able to adjust curves, crop, adjust white balance…and I understand the iPad doesn’t have alot of horse power, and I’ll have a lot of images..but perhaps that’s where batching comes in much like the full version. Right now you can apply the same manipulations to a batch of images. I don’t care if it takes time if I can just set it down and let it work. As well, the ability export JPEG’s from the RAW images and ability to upload them to my web server or at the very least an ftp site somewhere.

  191. I would love a lightweight Lightroom for being on the road. I found this thread because I was googling for such an option. Here’s my use case:
    I’ll be traveling for a year, splitting my time between volunteering in third world countries and exploring. I shoot an SLR and it won’t be practical for me to carry a full blown computer. The iPad seems perfect for such a thing from many perspectives.
    What would I like to do? I’d love to be able to adjust curves, crop, adjust white balance…and I understand the iPad doesn’t have alot of horse power, and I’ll have a lot of images..but perhaps that’s where batching comes in much like the full version. Right now you can apply the same manipulations to a batch of images. I don’t care if it takes time if I can just set it down and let it work. As well, the ability export JPEG’s from the RAW images and ability to upload them to my web server or at the very least an ftp site somewhere.

  192. I would love to see as much of the Lightroom app. as you can reasonable put onto the iPad. The iPad is intended to be my portfolio display as well as my field backup device for photo images. So, importing, sorting, tagging, creating organized and sorted slide shows (with labels), exporting both the original RAW and jpeg (via email and WIFI) would be great. Of course the labels, image correction, etc. stuff should come with the image when I import them into Lightroom on my Mac. If I could do as much image correction as possible that would be fantastic!
    As much as you can get, even in stages, would be a fantastic improvement over what is there. Then if you can get Photoshop like editing with layers, that would blow my mind.

  193. I agree; some type of LR type app that would allow me to use an iPad as a screen (on location or in the studio) to preview images from a digital camera photo shoot. I want to check focus, be able to zoom in on a detail, check composition, show to an art director at the shoot etc.

  194. Acrobat Pro for the iPad should be a first priority, then a bridge like product to allow for metadata changes / cataloging of photos in the field.
    Ideally, if a hardware solution was also created to use the ipod connector to allow for Compact Flash cards to be imported as CR2 / RAW files, then for files to be easily offloaded once in the office with all data appended in sidecar information, it would be a great timesaver for location shoots.
    Photo editing may not need to be much more than white balance, Unsharp Masking and levels for quick “corrected” presentation to a client while on locaiton. This should be able to be done in a batch. Add to that a quick crop function, and you should be all set.
    On the “out of the box” thinking, a mobile end to end photo solution would be a good thing. Contract creation and signing, photo import and light edit, catalog, offload to website or to HD, product inventory, payment /CC processing integration, invoice generation, order fulillment.

  195. I’d love an app that I can use for importing, organizing, and processing RAW files from my camera and something I can use for rough sketching. Assuming sufficient zoom capabilities, I’d love to be able to do photo retouching on the iPad too.

  196. Would be awesome as a intermediate device for photo shoots out and about, Hook up my 7d to the Ipad, take photos, they show up there (either by tethering or by downloading photos) and I can then display the photos to the customer on a very nice screen.
    Lightroom would be fantastic for this.

  197. I see Lightroom has been mentioned many times, and while a scaled down Lightroom is a cool idea, I don’t think the iPad has the horsepower for tweaking 12-megapixel RAW files.
    But where a Lightroom app would really shine is tagging and rating. I bought the iPad + camera connection kit with the aim of replacing my much heavier laptop on short to medium length travel. If I could browse, rate, and tag my photos (maybe even create collections) on the iPad and then import that directly into a Lightroom catalog when I get home – that would be amazing. Just do that simple thing and do it really well.

  198. I don’t want anything heavy! I doubt the iPad could handle anything too heavy anyways. I want a heal brush, a vibrance slider (just like Lightroom), crop, lasso tool (would be sweet with the touch screen), and a Hue Saturation, would all be very nice. Using a Lightroom like organizing system (with flags) would be a must. The thing here is just get the app out so my iPad could rock even more!

  199. Dreamweaver iPad application:
    – Upload, download and create new files
    – Edit code and use color, like in Dreamweaver, to differentiate between tags

  200. I second this. I bought the iPad to fill out forms. After I discovered I could only draw on them with a 3rd party app I returned my iPad. If adobe released Acrobat for iPad and I can fill out forms I will likely buy another one.

  201. Photographer here. Would eventually love all the photoshop/ LR apps for the iPad….
    HOWEVER, I bought the iPad for reading ebooks. I travel and am out of the country alot… And I bought the iPad hoping I could transfer all my books over to iPad. Unfortunately, they are DRM’d and only work with Adobe Digital Edition. So no reading for me….. So PLEASE make an App for that. Pronto.
    Many thanks!

  202. I just received my iPad and i would also appreciate very much to see an iPad App from Adobe for DRM ebooks very soon.
    Please don’t make the customers suffer from the dispute between Adobe and Apple.
    I am a good customer of both companies and would really like to read my Adobe DRM ebooks on any of my devices.
    Many thanks in advance

  203. Hi
    please make an iPad app for Adobe DRM ebooks like Digital Editions.
    I am a good customer of both companies, Adobe and Apple and i really don’t want to suffer from the dispute between them.
    It would be great to be able to read my ebooks on all of my devices.
    Many thanks in advance

  204. I thought I was seeing things. I am about to replace my laptop. I was considering the iPad and thought “this would be an easy decision if Adobe had Photoshop and Illustrator for the iPad”. That and Dreamweaver … I think I would have the iPad tomorrow. PLEASE MAKE IPAD APPS!!!

  205. Yes!! This is so right – take the raw processing adjustment tools from LR, and have all the control on a tethered iPad, so I can sit back, look at my big monitor and forget the mouse, just tweak each image and move on. I don’t want to actually edit on the iPad – just control my main machine edits.

  206. I have read many of the posts on here and none seem so really hammer home a marketing device for Adobe. As a photographer and a graphic design artist, I feel as though the iPad would be the “best port for the best tools” for these tasks. Aperture and iPhoto are amazing pieces of software in terms of aesthetics and intuitiveness, and I’m sure they will find their way to the iPad soon enough. However, none other than Photoshop or Illustrator can provide us with the tools we creative types long for. To be able to casually edit photos over coffee, or design a new billboard for an event in mid flight, would be indispensable. Some of us might even use it on a more serious not as a replacement for our Wacom (R) tablets. Anyway you look at it, the Creative Suite needs to hitch a ride on the iPad train. I would suggest a price point of approximately $60-75 dollars for each application, and a package deal of 3 for $150 USD. Hopefully, these suggestions, advice, and ideas will enlighten the developers and executives at Adobe and the Creative Suite Applications will come to fruition on the iPad.

  207. There are a few things that I would like to see adobe produce for the ipad. The first is I would like to be able to use the ipad as a walcom tablet with photoshop and illustrator.The second thing I would like to be able to do would be to shoot directly into the ipad so I can view a larger preview of the photo and maybe even have live view as a built in feature. Anyways I hope this helps

  208. I completely agree, do this one thing and do it well. Someone else said you want a mouse for serious editing work – maybe so. But I think the mouse gets in the way for tagging and rating. I want to see the picture, the stars and my chosen tag set. I don’t even have an ipad yet but I would buy it to tap on a few tags, tap on a rating and slide to the next photo. Import back to catalog later, sync with files on computer. Of course library filters based on tags, ratings etc like you can do in Lightroom would make sense, but to me even that is secondary. I’d be willing to filter on computer, send target photos to work on to ipad and just work on all photos in that set.

  209. I would love to see Illustrator or perhaps a brand new Adobe app specifically made for the iPad (iOS) that would combine drawing and painting tools. Isn’t that the major point of being able to have a touchscreen device with an Adobe app, to let you use your artistic talent! The biggest drawback for me with using Illustrator for drawing is the lack of true touchscreen input, not those silly pen tablets.
    Also, being able to sync with the cloud (AdobeCS.com) would be an excellent bonus!

  210. The Ipad is crying out for a stripped down version of Photoshop and illustrator. I would love the ability to edit photos on the fly straight from my camera, and am currently using the iPad as a replacement to my Wacom. Please, please, please make these apps soon!!!

  211. Illustrator and Photoshop!!
    I want to work on the iPad while on the go. But do it right, make something fresh!
    – Illustrator: drawing/editing app with layers and masks
    – Photoshop: vector app, with nice pen tool, able to handle fonts from my mac
    – web mockup/layout app, able to export html, ai, psd
    – html editor, css markup with webkit preview, small web edits and ftp upload
    – PDF annotator would surely be appreciated
    – use the iPad with the Mac to enhance Illustrator and Photoshop!!

  212. Adobe Reader w/ layers, index and markup enabled & links. 3D would be a bonus as it is becoming more prevalent in the AEC community.
    I do CAD work for a living and PDF has become the standard for all my clients to receive and review large format drawings.
    I’ve used pen based/tablet computers back in the early 90’s and the results were dismal.
    The ipad is the first tablet I’ve work with that is truly usable to view drawings in the field. I have scrapped my old plotter and gone almost paperless in my office. I now carry around thousands of drawings on this device. But I still lack the ability to do markups, layers, and sheet indexes.
    I would certainly pay for such an app.

  213. I’m a guy who likes his books and reference books. I am use more and more of them on my iPad — EXCEPT the ones under Digital Editions. One of the Digital Editions Books is a fat (300 pages of heavyweight paper, ie, HEAVY) manual I need to teach a week-long course 2-3 times per month. I must have it with me — so why not on my iPad?
    Can Adobe and Apple get past their spat and serve us, their customers? You are both great companies, with super products! Let us enjoy and use them together!

  214. Hi,
    for me the ipad is a useful vacation tool : handy, not too heavy, 64gb memory to import pics.
    I’d like to see the ipad as an extention of my library…if i shoot a few hundred pictures on vacation, i dont want to wait my return to import them into my library, do the tagging, renaming etc…this is taking a huge time, + you dont alwqys remember where you shot the photos.
    A great ipad photoshop app would enable me to do all this on the go. An example of workflow :
    – i take pictures and connect my camera/card reader to the ipad
    – i run the app; i import the pics on the ipad
    – the app knows the arboresence of library back in my computer, and allows me to create additional folders and import pics in my library (just like in P.E 8), rename pics, tag them, and rate them (star rating).
    – going back home, i import the pictures from the ipad to the computer (how ?? by sync ??) and when i run photoshop Elements 8 the pictures are all there, organised into the new folders and tagged and starred…
    This would be very useful, believe me !!
    I’d be happy to know if somthing like this can be developped !

  215. And the other way around – to be able to carry over my collections, tags etc from PC to iPad – a simple request from a simple user of photoshop

  216. A Presenter player tool, or at least a conversion tool for Adobe Presenter to .mp4. I use Presenter extensively for all of our training tools. I’d like to give an iPad to each of my engineers (650 at current count) and let them watch training sessions while on a plane.

  217. There’s now an iPad app that allows you to process raw images on the iPad. The app is piRAWnha, and is on sale in iTunes. Learn more at piRAWnha.com.

  218. A meta app (my terminology) that could sync wirelessly with CS running on a desktop. According to your project you could ‘select’ tools to manipulate a image or series of images, construct a drawing, or edit video. It would be about the content. Say I am doing a digital and print design piece, I’d fire up the app and come to something like bridge that show my images this could include flickr, dropbox, and other cloud resources. Once I choose my media, in this instance an image, I could manipulate with tools I ‘drag in’ from PS and over lay with vector shapes constructed in AI. The app would keep my layers but perhaps the heavy processing loads could be done on my desktop. Final product could be easily ‘packaged’ for print (with amateurs have connections to blurb, lulu, modern postcard, Magcloud, etc.) or, for web, to a hosting service or a cms.

  219. Just found this post, but seriously, a scaled down version of Lightroom for the iPad. I’d love to be able to dump my RAW files to my iPad and then start adjusting things like white balance and exposure right on my iPad. I’d also like to get a jump on keywording, rating, and filling in other meta/IPTC data. Then when I get home, be able to import all of that work right into Lightroom and pick up where I left off and take care of the more intense editing.
    I don’t need everything that Lightroom offers on the iPad, but enough to get a jump start and be able to leave the MacBook Pro or netbook at home.
    Converting to DNG would be nice, but probably a bit much, even for the iPad 2.

  220. I would love to see an app that both allows us to use Adobe Presenter as well as to use the VGA or composite cables connectors to allow us to play those presentations over projectors or large TVs. In my line of work, we use a lot of presentations with embedded videos, etc and to be able to dump the laptop and just use the iPad instead would be amazing. I’d be willing to pay big for an app that would save me the back pain!

  221. Seriously, anything like a production app (requested photoshop eg.) is non-sense. The finger input is anything but precise. And for a app like lightroom, I don’t trust the iPad’s display and workflow.
    But what I’m desperately looking for, is an Bridge-compatible image organizer. It’s not about image-processing but manual sorting, rating, tagging, comparing, grouping and hiding. Imagine a long photo-session and than sitting relaxed on the sofa and sorting-out your images. PLUS being able to sync that all with the Desktop-Bridge again. Not a cloud-service (I can’t upload dozens of GB just for sorting!).
    I believe with a little bit of extra-work by the user (copy & pasting the Bridge settings-file to a directory), it’s no rocket science to do. So please, Adobe, go for it.

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