- Six Revisions rounds up 22 Awesome Adobe AIR Applications for Designers. [Via]
- Mobile telephony:
- Brilliant: Mobile phone history as nesting dolls. (Gordon Gekko just called again.)
- Here’s a stylish concept for a solar-powered iPhone charger.
- The $0.99, “recession-style” cardboard iPhone case is my speed.
- Photoshop:
- Photoshop* around your neck: Icon as neckwear (neckware?). (*or MacPaint) [Via Marc Pawliger]
- A lightweight, $129 mini monitor to house your Photoshop panels? It even offers touch sensitivity (for a bit more dough). [Via]
- Speaking of monitors, as I recall the first color Mac 640×480 display cost $3,000. Now that resolution can be smaller than a dime. (Similarly old school: A 15MB hard drive for $2495. Go, march of progress, go!
- Check out the trippy, Tim Burton-esque metal sculptures from Stephane Halleux.
- Apropos of nothing, here’s the actual speech that would have been given if Apollo 11 had not returned. [Via]
why is lightroom so damn slow?
Some cool things, John – I was particularly taken by the Apollo 11 speech!