- “What you need, my friend, is an Internet Online Website!” Clever tool for educating newbie clients. [Via]
- UI designer Mark Coleran appeared on NPR, talking about creating fictional computer UIs for movies. [Via]
- Depression Press serves up a tasty carnival of retro logos & illustrations.
- I dig these groovy caricatures from Fernando Vicente. [Via]
- Heh–here’s a wry comment on the excessive comping of screens in Photoshop.
- 50 cars or 1 bus? Here’s a vivid visualization of the impact of mass transit.
Regarding the fake UIs (and even the real ones), I’ve always wondered why computers in movies bleep so much? I guess it is some kind of an effort to make them more “participating” in the act, but sometimes it’s plain funny.
[I really wish they made the Wilhelm Scream more often. –J.]