- Dig this super fun Chiquita banana redesign. I want the luchador sticker! [Via]
- Here’s a high-res set of 60 Recent Movie Posters. It’s a bit of a mixed bag, but there’s some solid Photoshop action here. (I like the Crank 2 and Terminator Salvation pieces in particular–more than the corresponding flicks themselves.)
- Newsweek features “Unattainable Beauty: The Decade’s Biggest Airbrushing Scandals.”
- Infographics:
- “My Heart is Divided“–fun schematic shirt from the Chopping Block.
- Meet The Milky Way Transit Authority: our galaxy as tube map. [Via Ellis Vener]
- Man, does Japan have fast broadband. This and other stats get visualized via the State of the Internet Explained In One Giant Infographic.
- “Evil and Lazy” shirt. How nice. (Couldn’t get the Adobe font right, though.)
It’s a shame those movie posters (excellent, btw) don’t come with retoucher credits.
Someone at Newsweek is showing their age, changing the title from “retouching” to “airbrushing” in the page title.