- Cool: Find out what other designers are listening to & sort music by job types (e.g. “Stupid Client Revisions,” “IE6 Debugging”). [Via]
- Speaking of dumb (or at least crushingly uninformed): “What is a browser?” Fewer than 8% of respondents in Times Square knew. It’s also fascinating to see that people keep trying to log into things that aren’t Facebook, not knowing the difference. Neven Mrgan writes, “The degree of faith people put in Google’s top result makes Catholics look like hippies.”
- Behold: “Overwhelming evidence that a 30″ MacBook will be debuted this year. It’s irrefutable.” [Via]
- Hah–it’s my persona, boiled down to a URL: CrankyPM.com. (“I swear because I care…”) [Via Michael Ninness]
- Nice: “It’s a clock” for iPhone. [Via]
- Creepiest Sand Castle Ever? Dead Michael Jackson eulogized in silica.
Dear John
people may not know what a browser is, but know choose something to browse that is easy and does not need to install plugins like flash etc.
As for the “It’s a clock” for the iPhone, this one is much nicer: Time in words – QlockTwo
Random Interestingness:
“Adobe Working to Sabotage HTML5”
[Bullshit. –J.]
From AppleInsider
[A site that can’t even be bothered to spell several participants’ names (Ian Hickson, Dave McAllister) correctly, let’s note. –J.]
I guess if you can’t compete on the merits of your own techology, sabotaging the new tech that will replace it is the only answer.