Editing the Rock: Behind the scenes of a Super Bowl ad

Remember that Super Bowl ad I mentioned having been edited in Premiere Pro? Over on Studio Daily editor Adam Pertofsky talks about working with ProRes in CS6:

“I had tried it out on two other jobs and decided to just jump in and go for it,” he says. “When Final Cut X came out, I tried working with it for a while, but it just doesn’t do what I need it to do. After my engineering guys here suggested I try Premiere, I started to play with it and it seemed very familiar to me, right from the get-go.”

“It’s probably the most responsive of all the nonlinear editing software that I’ve used… The trimming tool alone made this particular job a breeze because I could instantly see where all my ins and outs were. I also love not having to render any more.”

The piece talks about other aspects of the shoot & edit, too—not just about software.

One thought on “Editing the Rock: Behind the scenes of a Super Bowl ad

  1. Did you have to do something with the Beyonce special effects as well. The whole theme of this years super bowl was just awsome.

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