Photography: Robo-Nikon vs. apex predators

My lion-crazed 5-year-old is going to lose his mind when he sees the shots New Zealand photographer Chris McLennan captured with the help of an (not-so-lucky) RC car:

Nice to see Lightroom make a cameo on the savannah.

[YouTube] [Via]

4 thoughts on “Photography: Robo-Nikon vs. apex predators

  1. The photos are wonderful, and so was the child-like wonder that overcame the photographers when they first saw the results. Pretty fantastic.

  2. That’s Kiwis for you. Give us a reel of #8 wire, and we can fix anything. 😉
    The same link went up in the PSNZ (Photographic Society of New Zealand) Facebook group, and it was suggested that there are pubs in England where such a device would be the only safe way to take pictures.

  3. Hi John,
    Your video windows have become wide enough to obscure most of the comments (they overlap). I thought it might be because I am using less than a full 13″ screen, but going full screen (wow! 13″) does not change your page view at all.

  4. Hi John,you are doing good job,really.
    Thank you for sharing all the things.I have read your posts a lot.I will usually come here.It is interesting.

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