Demo: New hidden gems in Photoshop CC

Julieanne shows off some of those numerous new JDIs I mentioned:

Take a close look at several feature enhancements and refinements made to scripted patterns including placing patterns along a path, rendering unique trees for concept, architectural and fine art images and scripted border designs. Learn how to unlock the background into a layer with a single click, choose recent colors from the swatches panel and add and change color readouts for multiple color samplers at once.

6 thoughts on “Demo: New hidden gems in Photoshop CC

  1. I seem to remember that the Scripted Patterns option in the Fill dialog came to be first in CS6. But, is a new collection of twenty-something tree species as an added option there now in CC going to be just a lonely and exceptional addition?
    Maybe a JDI contest is in order – so that folks can compete over what else could be added as non-pattern content items from hereonwards … dudes, dudesses, automobiles, aeroplanes, etc.
    Seriously though, wouldn’t this – as a compositional transformation feature – have better appeared as a plug-in?

  2. Trees and clip art borders? Wow. It’s not like we’ve been waiting 15 years to see improvements to all the color adjustment tools or anything. What we’ve all really been waiting for is the ability to add foliage to our images.
    Who’s sailing the ship over there?

  3. I have to say Julieanne does the best tutorials.
    [Yeah, we kinda like her & might try to keep her around. 😉 –J.]

  4. I have tried to access scripted pattern fills as demo-ed by Julianne, but the trees and picture frame options are grayed out in my version of Photoshop CC 14.2. Why is this?

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