Demo: Amazing video stabilization in the Google Pixel 2

“Any sufficiently advanced technology…”

Watch as the all-new Pixel 2 heads up the mountains in India to test out the new Fused Video Stabilization. The left side of the video has no stabilization at all, with optical image stabilization (OIS) and electronic image stabilization (EIS) turned off. The right side is the Pixel 2 with Fused Video Stabilization enabled.

The Pixel 2 has a feature called “frame look ahead” which analyzes each individual frame of a saved video for movement. Machine learning compares dominant movements from one frame to another and stabilizes accordingly.

CNET’s got details:


[YouTube] [Via]

One thought on “Demo: Amazing video stabilization in the Google Pixel 2

  1. can’t wait to get this in my hands. sadly i got on the preorder after just ten minutes of it being live (!!) and now it’s end of november for delivery. 🙁

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