“Project Glowstick” brings light sources to Illustrator

Anything that finally lets regular people tap into the vast (and vastly untapped) power of Illustrator’s venerable gradient mesh is a win, and this tech promises to let vector shapes function as light emitters that help cast shadows:


Requisite (?) Old Man Nack moment: though I have no idea if/how the underlying tech relates, I’m reminded of the Realtime Gradient-Domain Painting work that onetime Adobe researcher Jim McCann published back in 2008.

[YouTube 1 & 2

One thought on ““Project Glowstick” brings light sources to Illustrator

  1. Jim McCann published back in 2008.
    It is terrific. I didn´t know this tool. It’s a pity it doesn’t work with MacOs Mojave, it is super powerful this tool.

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