Volume II, Issue 1 of Proxy, Adobe’s quarterly interactive PDF magazine, has been posted. [Via] This issue discusses typography in book publishing, Live Trace & Live Paint in Illustrator, Vanishing Point in Photoshop, moving a document from InDesign to the Web, and more. Here’s the direct link.
The Motion Design Center has been updated with a raft of new content. Here’s what got posted yesterday:
After Effects 7: Graph Editor
By Lee Brimelow
See—and edit—all the properties of your animations in one intuitive place with the new Graph Editor.
After Effects 7: FLV Export
By Lee Brimelow
Discover how easy it is to export Flash Video directly from After Effects 7.
Dialog Box
Errol Morris: Revealing Unexpected Realities
By Megan Cunningham
From The Fog of War to Apple’s “Switch” campaign, Errol Morris describes the unique connections between his dual career as an award-winning filmmaker and advertising iconoclast.
Think Tank
Buildings as Interfaces
By Peter Hall
Architects and designers collaborate to create digital skins that allow buildings to blink, wink, and breathe. Step inside.