Did you know that you can browse & download thousands of free 3D models right inside Photoshop? Yeah, there’s all kinds of cool, obscure stuff like that hanging around.
In any case, some people have reported hitting a problem where files from Google’s 3D Warehouse–or other Collada-format files–are imported into Photoshop fully or partially invisible. This happens because many Collada exporters invert the opacities in materials (meaning that 100% opaque will come in at 0% & thus be invisible). If you hit one of these files, try running this script to invert the opacities in your model’s materials. (For reference here’s the official tech doc.)
John you rock! Thanks to the team for repairing this HUGE problem with 3D. I cannot tell you how many times I was frustrated with an awesome Collada rendering only to have it come in at 0% opacity. Kudos!
Sweet.. Im going to try to see if It works for CS4 and CS4 64 bit..
Schweet. I had a similar problem bringing files into Strata3D (unrelated to PS, but discovered during PS work). It’s frustrating how little things like this can drive one utterly insane.
Thanks for posting this!
I’ve got a kudos to you guys at Adobe. I encountered this bug myself and posted it to your bug submission page. I figured I would at least make it known, but thought I was probably submitting it to a black hole.
Much to my surprise about 2 weeks later I got a personal email directly from someone at Adobe with the workaround! I was floored. Good customer service for sure. Hats off to you guys!
Great fix – thanks. The other problem I have is that I use automate>search google for 3d models. When I find something and click to download it – it asks where to save to, has the bar that shows that it is working and then nothing is saved and nothing opens into photoshop. Has anyone else experienced this?