Research: Auto-selecting good stills from a video

A couple of years ago, Esquire shot a magazine cover using not a still camera but a high-res RED video camera. What was groundbreaking becomes commonplace, and as video capture resolution increases, so does the possibility of using stills as photos.
To make that easier, Adobe engineers & University of Washington researchers are collaborating on a method of automatically finding the best candid shots in a video clip. Check it out:

Very cool–though I continue to suspect there’s a market for auto-selecting the most ridiculous, unflattering images of one’s friends…

3 thoughts on “Research: Auto-selecting good stills from a video

  1. No need for software on the latter, your friends will find the most unflattering without the need for software.
    I’d like to see them drill down and just look at eyes and run the test again.

  2. Really cool stuff. Even if every selected frame isn’t great, this would still be a fantastic way to reduce the number of frames you need to look at to get some interesting expressions and poses.

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