Gone fishing… and feeling grateful

Hey gang—I know I greatly flatter myself in thinking that my voice here will be much missed if I go quiet for a bit, especially without notice, but for what it’s worth I’m enjoying some very welcome digital downtime with family in friends in Minnesota.

Being minutes away from wrapping up the celebration of my 44th (!) solar orbit, I wanted to say thanks for being one of those still crazy enough to traipse over here periodically & browse my random finds. Fourteen (!!) years after I started this racket, it still remains largely fun & rewarding. I hope you agree, and I’m grateful for your readership.

Now please excuse me for just a few more days while I get back to swamping my hard drive with a crushing backlog of drone, GoPro, Insta360, iPhone, and Osmo shots. 🙃


Oh, and for some dumb reason Google Maps insists on starting this pano (showing where we’re staying) pointed straight down into the pitch-black lake. You can drag it upwards and/or zoom out while I go file a bug/feature requests. The work is never done—another possible source of gratitude.

2 thoughts on “Gone fishing… and feeling grateful

  1. Happy Birthday, John N. !! Beautiful setting and wonderful time of year for being in Minnesota. My roots are in Iowa. Midwestern family life is very good. Hope everybody catches a fish (maybe tosses it back). Continue well. Take the time. Your audience will be there when you get back.

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