Created by Kristofer Strom of Ljudbilden & Piloten, the video for Swedish band Minilogue’s "Hitchhiker’s Choice" is the antithesis of high-tech, CGI-laden graphics we’re accustomed to seeing–and I love it. [Via]. The work reminds me of Mario Cavalli’s marvellous Compaq "Bird" ad from several years back. (Working on the Compaq site at the time, I always scratched my head that the company’s UK office could be so adventurous while the folks in Texas always sought to play it safe.) Kristofer has also created Pen on Paper, a free-flowing montage drawn on one long, continuous strip of paper (as seen in this video).
Incredible piece of art, and that’s the shorter version posted on YouTube.
By the way John, think you took 24hrs off from your blog. Amazing interesting sources & resources you continue to post around the clock. Thanks.
[Heh, thanks. I can’t *just* deal with CS3 serial number issues… 😉 –J.]
His work reminds me of Bruce Bickford – – due to the fact there really isn’t much of a story and all of the animatin continues to morph into something else. Check out Frank Zappa’s “Baby Snakes” for more Bickford claymation.
I really dug the fact the animator allowed the shadows coming in through his window to appear on his paper throughout the day.
[Cool–thanks for the link. And yes, dig the shadows moving. –J.]
Since I -still- haven’t upgraded from PS7 on my home ‘puter, I won’t be bothering you for CS3 serial #s.
That was a staggering number of applications (in the 1000s) you mentioned having to deal with in getting the various types of serial #’s working. Had no idea.